The past couple days have been fairly productive, particularly at work. The incredibly minor problem that managed to fluster me on Tuesday ended up being a bug, not a mistake, and had a simple fix once I found it. And now that it's fixed, I've documented the entire process on our private wiki. During the problem diagnosis phase of yesterday, however, I ended up creating an unneeded database on one of our servers, so today I had to find and delete it. This small task led to my learning how to use MySQL and writing a mini-tutorial on the topic, also for our wiki. The highlight of the guru job is often identified as the long stretches of time with nothing important to work on, when you can watch live feeds of lion cubs or read web comics, but I've always enjoyed it more when I'm learning something new and generally being helpful.
Of course, now that I know a little about MySQL and a little about MediaWiki, I want to find excuses to learn and use more. MySQL I could potentially use with my forum, (since I was already looking at PHP, and the two seem to work together well), and there are always reasons to create simple databases, but justifying a wiki will take a little more thought. Fortunately Dave likes working with new things as much as I do, so we already have things installed on our server that we don't really need to use.
On a less techie note, the forum post has been very minorly updated, probably not enough for anyone but me to care, and here's a poll about vampires!
Poll VampiresAnd as your reward for providing me with valuable information, a link to
cuteness. (If it's between afternoon and early morning, it might be too dark to see anything.)