Polka Will Never Die! (a.k.a. I really hope you can't overdose on geekiness...)

Jul 03, 2007 02:02

I clearly have far too much free time. I’ll try to fix that and be productive one of these days. Until then, you get way too many updates, and I marvel at the years of entertainment the internet can provide. How did we live before it? *thinks* Actually, I remember life before the internet, but it involved a lot less social interaction and hours more time playing videogames. … I miss my videogames, actually. I should try to balance that… But I was going to save the babbling for the cut.  More importantly, I am finally making some progress on the character I was supposed to finish a month ago! That sounds less impressive than I’d hoped… But anyway, he’s still a chivalrous and mildly idealistic knight, young and impulsive enough emotionally and old and blasé enough mentally to be easily led astray from his otherwise Good and helpful ways, but now he’s also a geek.  I totally have an excuse for this, too, and it might make for a decent special ability, AND if all continues as planned I totally have an excuse for him to know Marian the Librarian. … I really shouldn’t make LARP characters who might be tempted to sing show tunes….

Okay, you know that feeling of giddy excitement you get when you grin like Joker and tense all your muscles up with excess energy and make little shaking anime fists of happiness? … No? … *cough* Well of course not, neither do I.  *shifty eyes* However, if I were for some reason to be overly hyper and geeky about things, I think it would do good for me to remember not to bite whatever I happen to be holding at the time. … Particularly if it’s a stone coaster. Not that I would ever do such a thing, of course. It would be silly and undignified. … Moving on.

So after two days of pure, unadulterated internet, cartoons, and comic geekiness, I feel old.  Yes, laugh away pretty much every single last person who knows of the existence of this livejournal. … Wait, seriously? You’re all older than me? Huh. … You don’t act it. In any case! I never had a rebellious phase, and while I don’t particularly want one, (seems far more trouble than it’s worth, really), I do want a silly/slacking/selfish/stupid phase.  Unfortunately that could potentially annoy people or hurt my grades, neither of which I can risk. So instead I’m geeking out as best I can and am changing my LARP character to suit this unfortunately unexplored idea.  I am not the least bit influenced by the massive amounts of Flash, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Beast Boy, Kid Flash, and Deadpool I’ve been consuming. … And if I were, they are perfectly good influences! … Really. They’ve saved the world and stuff. … Batman likes some of them. Some of the time.

Right. And since zapf has not appeared to be the semi-willing recipient of my rant of comics and cartoons and such, (he is busy and I am not worried about this change in schedule. ... much. ... *stays awake a bit longer than probably should, just to be safe*) I must post it here! (Yes. I must. Clearly it is necessary or I wouldn’t be doing it.)  *hooks fingers, stretches arms out, pops knuckles* Let’s get started. So, since I finished watching the episodes of JLU I downloaded, and the rest of the Flash-centric episodes haven’t finished downloading yet, I switched to surfing youtube for Teen Titans episodes.  They’ve got Kid Flash. And are shiny. And I have the theme song on my playlist. Shut up. Anyway, so the episode had Mas and Menos, who predictably speak Spanish. Which is awesome, because I understand them. I’ve been technically studying Spanish since 6th grade and it still surprises me that I can understand a little when people speak.  I’ve decided that watching episodes with Mas and Menos in them counts as “studying.” This probably isn’t at all accurate. Too bad.

So aside from those two, I remembered my love of Beast Boy.  He’s easily my favorite of the main five, though I’ve got to support Cyborg on the meat-eating thing.  This renewed fandom entertained me until Kid Flash (the person I’d been watching the episode for) showed up, along with Jinx.  This made me wish those two had been in more episodes, as they’re both fun and one of my OTPs.  Then that reminded me of Beast Boy again, and another of my OTPs, Beast Boy and Terra.  This led to sadness about the disappearance of Terra, which led to Wikipedia-ing everyone and, oddly enough, didn’t lead to the realization that I was emotionally attached to a cartoon show.  It’s a good cartoon show.  Wikipedia led to Slade, which led to realizing I need to learn more about him because he’s an awesome character, which led to skimming his entry, which led to his similarities with Deadpool, which proved that, in the end, everything comes back to Deadpool.  I love comics and their circular nature.

Aside from that, I need to get someone to sit with me and watch all of the “large groups of teen superheroes fight together” episodes, so that they can explain who everyone is.  I didn’t know who Jericho was, for example, and now that I do I’m a little creeped out.  I don’t remember Aqua Lad’s connection to … more normal canon? I guess?  And I’d really like to know who the samurai boy was.  He’s not as spiffy as Aqua Lad, but he led to my tracking down Samurai Jack on youtube, which lasted for about five minutes before I started watching funny hamster videos. Ahh, youtube. How I love thee.  Funny hamster videos, strangely, led to CREEPILY ADDICTIVE SHOUJO ANIME. *shudder* Why is shoujo addictive? It’s so bad…. There are moronic girls and effeminate boys and flowers and talking cats and melodrama and… and… … And yet now all I want to do is figure out why the girl in the clip turned into a cat and who the strange blond guy who turned her back is. … Dammit. *sulks* Fortunately I drowned out that impulse by snickering at Vegeta in a Lincoln Park fanvid. He was so superfluous you almost gotta feel sorry for the guy.

Um… I don’t remember the trains of thought that led to everything else, so I’ll just lump it all together.  I need a corny Thundercats icon. I just do. This is true and terrifying, and their expressions make me snicker. Scans_daily is heaven on the net. I haven’t been there in months and need to catch up.  Plus I need to track down that post about the person's favorite insane comic characters… I’ve become familiar with and a fan of the Creeper, but I need to check out everyone else on that list. Oh, and apparently Magneto dragged Bush out of the Whitehouse and told him to beg for mercy? I really need to see this. Not because it’s Bush, really, mostly just because it’s Magneto being badass.  You’ve gotta love Magneto being badass. (And yes, I didn’t use a possessive with that gerund, and it pains me, but I also said “gotta,” so it sounds better like that.)

I think that’s everything. My Buble + Johansen + Queen playlist turned out to be lacking Reel Big Fish, Gipsy Kings, Huey Lewis, the Decemberists, and a few others, so I’m back to playing giant playlists of random stuff on shuffle.  It makes life more interesting, though less calm. And it’s making me realize just how many songs I specifically associate with fanvids and songfics. *sigh* And looking up songs on youtube to watch even more amvs keeps making me want to watch more things… Like Rurouni Kenshin. I haven’t seen that in a while… And I never finished watching the Death Note anime… *zones out and goes back to surfing*

[Hours later] Also, I ran out of space, but there are more icons I need... Perhaps I should learn how to make icons myself... But that sounds suspiciously like work.

Deadpool - Bob does not count.
Sandman - Just Morpheus
Lucifer - preferably looking dashing or badass
Young Avengers - Not sure of what...
Runaways - Actually, I just need to read this... ... A lot... ... What was I doing?
Brainy kissing Lyle - ...not really anything else from the series that I know of. I'm not preoccupied with shipping amusing/adorable geniuses.
Dresden Files
More Monk
Um. Lots and lots of other stuff. I should get a paid account...

Edit: Oh, and since I'm still awake and it's probably best to get all random babble over with in one post and then see if I can go at least a day or two without posting, I remembered why I generally expect to like bassists.  Old webcomic. Ah, poor misguided, self-sacrificing Sloane. Your luck sucked. I was torn between wanting to kill Vincent and wanting to congratulate him for what he did to you. Oh well. In the future-that-doesn't-exist we shall pretend all is well with you and you have moved on with life. ... Also, I wonder how I found so many violent and bloody shonen-ai webcomics back in middle school.... And all the parts I remember best are the bloodiest, of course... Ah well. I really will sleep and stop posting now.

nostalgia, scans_daily, fandom is better than crack, youtube, psych, obsessed with vertigo, monk, computer games, internet rules, justice league, larping, your hobbies are stranger than mine, addictions, dresden, jim butcher, icons, comic book club is taking over my life, wally west, debatable sanity, arcana, fanvids, staying up way too late, fandoms, teen titans, comics, shipping, knights, wikipedia, webcomics, geekdom, i need to stop tagging things, fanfiction, character development, deadpool, geekiness, music

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