If I'm not honest with you, you'll never improve.

Aug 31, 2010 14:09

I should be dutifully making chainmail for myself since I have a vest to finish by Friday and I'm spending tomorrow moving, but as life approaches the usual levels of busy and scheduled and I'm losing these empty days, I feel like making lists again:

Obviously the big things for the next week are moving, starting work, and participating in too many boffer LARPs.  I'm not as far along on those lists as I should be, but engaging in last minute panic mode was already factored into my schedule, so I should be fine.  (At least I'm predictable.)

Moving:  Plans have been set in motion.  Extra arms are always useful, but I'm pretty sure I have at least one other person helping, and that's all I need to physically be able to move.  Slow, sure, but doable.  Not sure I have someone who can help, actually. The challenge of moving on a week day. Um. If I don't find one other person, which I still might, I will be physically incapable of moving all of my stuff.  If you'd like to help or point and laugh, e-mail me. Or rifle through my boxes of books and take some away, that would be helpful too. (And can be done later, obviously.)

New job: Everything should be set, though I don't know what time they want me in on Tuesday. I need to go to Target or Kohls or a department store where I can find reasonably-priced business casual. (I'm thinking khakis and polo shirts in particular, since I have some button ups.)  I'd also still really like a pair of brown shoes, but I guess I'll see what people are wearing. If it's as casual as I remember from my interview, my boots will do for now.  But if anyone's up for a Labor Day shopping trip, sign me up. (That is a day when people shop, right?)

Boffer LARPs: I have a metaphorical ton of chain to finish.  That's mostly today's and Thursday's project.  Can't really do much about it other than devote time to it.  I also need to acquire black cargo pants for cheap (I'm thinking the internet), find all of my missing geeky tees, double check that I have all of the prop-type things I need for Endgame, resist purchasing more post-Apocalyptic geek paraphernalia, and decide exactly what a twitchy, socially-stunted teenage geek boy loots to wear to a ghostly cotillion.  It's not a masquerade or anything, is it?  Then I can start worrying about acquiring a weapon and clothing and props for 7V.  (I'm hoping the internet helps with the latter. Medieval is way harder than post-Apocalyptic.)

September is primed to keep me running around and stressing like crazy, but mostly about exciting things, which is as it should be.  What spare time exists will be devoted to unpacking, reacquainting myself with cooking, and attempting to keep up with forum RP enough that I don't slow anyone else down.

October will be calmer.  I'll be through training at work and have had a couple weeks actually doing my job, so I'll hopefully be a bit more comfortable there.  I'm only in one boffer LARP, and this one I'll be more prepared for (having prepared for it this week). And the rest of the month will be devoted to a couple parties and at least one weekend of sitting around munching sweets and watching kid shows with my friends.

November will have even fewer events, but I'll be flying home for the first time in months to spend Thanksgiving with my family. (Which I need to talk to work about.)  And I'd like to have a small dinner gathering sometime around then.  I know the menu, but not who I'm inviting. I'll talk to my roommates about that anyway, to see when would be good. (Reminds me, Citadel, I owe you guys dinner. I'll talk scheduling with you at some point.)

And then December I can run around worrying about Christmas and my by-then-extremely-pregnant sister and wishing I could be there when my nephew is born. (I'm going to have a nephew! I hope he's a geek. I'm going to spoil him rotten. Only a couple years to compile all the best geeky kid shows from the past two decades...)

And January will be Arisia, and I can now actually appreciate that it falls on a holiday weekend.  I have a list of things I want to do and acquire before then, and since I can't actually think of anything happening in February, it is the farthest forward date I'm planning for at the moment. Also, I'll actually have money to spend there. That will be exciting.

Misc. thing: I've started exercising.  Well, I did a while ago, but I've actually been keeping it up.  Not much or for long, nothing like the 30 to 60 minutes at the gym I used to manage on a regular basis, but more frequent than that and better than I've done in a while.  Hopefully this will help my back (spine doctor always says I should work on 'strengthening my core' to deal with my bizarrely-curved spine), give me some upper body strength for once, and maybe slim my girlish figure further.  Boffer LARPing has in part prompted this plan, though I won't have noticeably more strength or stamina anytime soon.  Once I move, I'll be walking more, and I'm thinking of supplementing this with running or maybe actually joining a gym.  I'm unlikely to do the latter without anyone joining me, though. Anyone in the Davis or Porter area interested?

excitement, boffer larp, geekery, exercise, to do, time, nephew!

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