Mar 21, 2007 14:47
So for the second night in a row I was able to actually get a decent amount of sleep. It was wonderful. Even more fun, however, was the strange dream I had. I can barely even remember a portion of it, as it was far too long and complicated to keep track of, but here’s the bit I remember:
Time curls and spurts suddenly began creating chaos on a spaceship very similar to the Enterprise. The crew began researching to figure out what these disturbances could be and what could be causing them, and their research somehow led to a list of their recent missions and the recent visitors on board. The name that kept coming up, however, was merely that of a mechanic whose body they had transported to his funeral on another world. A few of them grew frustrated in their certainty that such an inconsequential person could not be the source of their troubles, but a few calmer and more rational individuals simply followed the lead.
Those two or three crewmembers traveled back to where they’d picked up the mechanic (who’d apparently been about the age of a college student, making his sudden death suspicious, as well) to begin with. Upon arriving, they didn’t mention why they were there, they simply began investigating. Everything seemed fairly normal until they reached the mechanic’s home. In one empty room in the back of his house, a door covered with diagrams was bolted closed. Merely glancing at some of the diagrams caused the investigators to stare at the door in awe and terror. The mechanic had been working on creating a door to anywhere, even other times and dimensions. As they began discussing the uses of this, should it work, three natives walked in.
The first two were also about college age, and looked rather dejected, while the third was an older woman the investigators recognized as an authority figure on the planet. The newcomers explained that the door was too dangerous and unpredictable to use, and suspected that it was entering it that had caused the poor mechanic’s death. The authority figure said this as chastisement, while the friends repeated the phrase by rote, apparently unsure whether or not to believe it. The crewmembers asked the woman why, if it was so dangerous, the door had not been destroyed, but she acted suspicious and didn’t have a good answer.
This is where the dream breaks down a bit, and I’ve cut a lot of seemingly unrelated things out, but eventually they take the woman with them, they head to Mars, which is apparently a warm, red, swampy planet where you spend most of your time swimming and need lots of equipment to breathe and such. The woman didn’t seem normal, and there might have been time hopping involved, but in the best scene of the entire dream, as a crewmember tread water with the woman on Mars, a white door opened up ten feet above their heads and the two college students fell out. The crewmember with them laughed in delight and tossed them the equipment they needed. The door had been fixed, the problem that caused it to be dangerous had been discovered, and all was well, they could probably even bring the mechanic back, since he had merely “died” because of an effect of the door which could now be easily reversed. (Which is particularly nice because he always seemed to be around in spirit and I’m fairly certain he was an awesome character.)
There were also evil Chihuahuas, tickets, traffic, lots of red, and strange gatherings of people, but I’m not certain that any of that was related.
star trek,