Because sometimes things go in ways that make you wonder if other people have souls...
This past weekend I flew up to New Hampshire to go to my Grandmother's memorial service. It was a very somber reason to see the rest of my family and my mother was horribly upset the whole flight there. But the real problem came before I was even on the plane. Now I am sure that everyone knows a bit about the TPA's policies about searches and the like since the induction of the wonderfully unconstitutional organization known as Homeland Security. These, the people that won't let you have a shampoo bottle larger than 6 oz., won't let business men carry razors to fix their faces before meetings, and of course now everyone (not just certain people that are obviously chosen by security due to ethnicity or alternative clothing) has to take their shoes off and put them through the x-ray machine. One fucker hid something in his shoe, and now we all have to walk barefoot through metal detectors that couldn't sniff out a pipe bomb if their automotonic life depended on it (they'll go off all bleeding day if you have a plate in your head though). Anyway, it is required when moving ashes of the deceased aboard a plane that you have a permit, which is relatively simple to get, and lettered proof of death. Well, we had this, everything, checked and double checked. But these irreverant bastards, so caught up in the whole 1984 Orwellian Distopia fad, that they made us put my Grandmother (a wonderfully bitchy hungarian woman of 85) into the xray machine. With everyone elses shoes. Mhy mother begins to bawl like a child whose ice cream just got licked by a muddy scrapyard dog. They made us remove her from the protective box, and put the smaller decorative box through that massive monstrousity of right destroying machina. I stared at these people wondering where their souls had gone, and if it was possible to steal these ethereal government grade spooks to get high off of, because we aall know the government always has the besdt shit. I wondered, in my demented little cranium, what would one of these fuckers do if someone ask them to put their mother or grandmother's remains through some machine, because a few years ago one dude got by. I know some of these people are just doing their jobs, but seriously, that still means there is some pencil pushing beaurocrat whose pubic hair never grew in, that tells them that my Grandmother after 85 years of life, 65 years of being a US Citizen, and being married to a two time veteran of the United States Armed services for 60+ years, needs to be carted through a machine, in front of my hysterical mother, because there is some slim chance that we are terrorists. Maybe if we didn't cause the world so many problems we wouldn't be hated so much and need to worry, not that we really have to. But our noses are so far up the rest of the worlds ass, we can't see if they are about to take a shit. All the while they are treating my dear Grandmother with this heinous act of insultation, there is some recorded annoucement blaring over the loud speakers that just reminds me of the masses of proletariate workers marching to the furnaces in the movie Metropolis. 'Homeland Security has the right to search any and all belongings. This is a rightfull search. You may not have this, you may not have that, you may not carry an ice cream cone in your left back pocket, you may not breath unless we say so. You will love big Brother before we kill you. "Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime is death (Orwell, 1984)." You may not have enough shampoo to last you your whole trip because we like you skanky. "War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength(Orwell, 1984)." We shall overcome, yadda yadda yadda!' This is not how you treat the deceased. I may not be the most religious of people, but even I have some respect for the departed. I am a pretty irreverant bastard, but I have to draw the line at xraying the ashes of another person's family. Its bad enough we need paperwork besides the death certificate. I suppose I can only go on about this for so long, but one does need to vent their spite for actions sanctioned by an organization that exists merely to help push the fear machine needed to keep the masses happy and orderly. I am not anti-america (Hell, I am planning on joining the Navy, but I am anti-homeland. Homeland. It speaks volumes of what it truly stands for. We must protect the Fatherland. Poorly reduxed versions of Deutschland über alles, sung by that crack smoking emo musician James Blunt, can be heard blaring on loudspeakers in the lobby of their headquarters I am sure. If and when the revolution comes, I now who I am going to suggest should be first against the wall.