Jan 30, 2011 17:22
[Filter: Private]
I really can't afford to keep Kray leashed if things are going to keep ramping up, here.
He's just -- he can be such a liability. For me, personally? That's his charm. That's what I lo li appeciate about him. He's blunt, he's frank, he doesn't take shit too seriously, and when he does he takes it so damned seriously he'd punch the sun if it challenged him. That's just him, and it's a great quality in a friend. And a lover.
But in a consort?
Dragons, I swear, I spend more time damage controlling him than anything else. Meanwhile, Keller is all up on me for not having enough authority, and Harriet can't stand that I'm not handling more affairs myself, and Ree ...
She's needed out there. She's our best, and something is wrong. But ... she's like my other half. I'm not sure how I can do any of this without her ...
... I'll have to talk to Harriet. Maybe she can do something about Kray. I don't know. Dragons.
Sometimes ... I start thinking I was never cut out of this. I know it's my blood, I know it's my "destiny," and I know it'll be a better life for my kids, but ... I think I made a better merc than a queen.
[Filter: Davan]
So, it's been a month. I don't suppose you've got anything for me? Or are you useless after all, just like I expected when I saw your damn writing in the first place?