We All Need a Little Christmas (Klaine)

Dec 15, 2010 00:43

Title: We Need a Little Christmas
Author: heroes_and_cons
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine (Glee)
Rating: PG
A/N: Not my best because I'm fried from finals but I really wanted to get some Klaine fic down. Also, I'm completely pulling all of Blaine's backstory stuff out of my ass.

For that one day of the year, I kind of like to believe in Santa. )


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heartsasmagnets December 15 2010, 14:49:17 UTC
I read this and I was like - wow, this is lovely. Really, really lovely.

Then I looked at who wrote it. OF COURSE! Of course it's lovely if it's written by heroes_and_cons. IDK if you recognize me, but let's just say I loved you in the AI fandom and I'm really glad you're writing here now! :D


rockinhamburger December 15 2010, 15:18:33 UTC
AI FANDOM? May I be so bold as to ask which parts of the AI fandom?


heartsasmagnets December 15 2010, 15:22:46 UTC
Are you asking about her or me? We've both written Kradam -- but I stopped when it became not fun.


heroes_and_cons December 15 2010, 16:00:56 UTC
lol pretty much this


rockinhamburger December 15 2010, 16:38:50 UTC
Yeah, it's been bad for a long while :/ But I won't pretend I'm not curious about your Kradam fic, and also constantly distracted by the adorable of your icon.


rockinhamburger December 15 2010, 16:36:43 UTC
Both of you, really! I'm happy that are two previous-Kradam readers and writers in the community! I used to read and writer Kradam as well, but, like you, stopped when it became not fun.

Such a small internet world <3


heartsasmagnets December 15 2010, 17:44:56 UTC
There's a lot of us, really. Not Kradam writers specifically - but a lot of AI refugees.


heroes_and_cons December 15 2010, 16:00:41 UTC
thank you! i've been weighed down with school and such so i just banged this out last night because i really wanted to get something down, but hopefully i'll be writing more kurt/blaine in the future :)


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