Oh how I miss you - barbell of awesomeness... *sigh*
But alas, one day, when my mother can't punish me for disobeying... I will put it back... just you wait and see...
School sucks ass... last weekend, Danielle and Sarah and I [but mainly just Sarah and I] organized a sleepover [then Sarah and I told Danielle about it]... I was excited... unfortunately that never came about, but it will I tell you, it will.
Jessica called me the other day, it made me feel good... and I would be calling her as well... but I haven't been home much recently [it's not like anyone here misses me, because well, there's no one here... I'm by myself from when I get home from school until after I'm fast asleep, but anyway]... I should call Michael too, and let him know that his demo was good -- impressive actually.
I guess that's probably all... nothing too exciting to write about.
Lata Fools.