ψ [Application for dirtyvegasrp]

Aug 22, 2010 19:40

Name: Kaera
Contact: [aim] Paperchild013
Age: 20
Current characters: Queen of Hearts (stillthequeen ), Tsukasa Amou (protectmypride )

Name: Jay
Fandom: Magical JxR
History link: At a mysterious magic school hidden in the a realm adjacent to Hell, wizard apprentices are paired up according to the element from which they borrow their powers. They are almost always place with someone who shares their same element... With one exception. Jay and Aru are students who share opposite elements, water and fire, and this difference only seems to cause them never-ending trouble.

Nothing of Jay's history is known outside of what is shown during his time with Aru, starting at a very young age. They first are shown after they accidentally land in the world of humans, literally falling into the home of a young woman and interrupting her quiet day alone. After the boys manage to stop bickering they learn to work together and make a special gift to compensate for the trouble they caused her. They then return to school... Only to be reprimanded and given an extra assignment for breaking rules. During the assignment one of Aru's mistakes causes Jay to be injured as he protects him. While confined to the nurse's office to heal he is approached by another water-user named Kaseh who offers to become his magic partner in the place of Aru. Of course he really only wants to escape from the female partner he sees as weak so he can win the upcoming dance competition and escape humiliation.

In the end Jay refuses, teaming up with Aru once more as they both manage to not completely wreck the festivities.

The next time we see them is many years later, when they are again in the human world to complete the assignment that will graduate them from magic school. With surprisingly little trouble they locate the human they must form a contract with, a high-schooler named Cho-ah Nam. With her (partially unwilling) help they get the contract signed and stay with her in the human world for one year while they finish the test.
Age: Jay's age is never specifically stated in canon, but my best estimate would be that he is about 16-17. He will be sent to Pleasantville to be aged up.
Canon point: After their fight with the pair from Libel Magic School.

Personality: In contrast to his magic partner, the friendly and excitable Aru, Jay is extremely cold and rude. A very blunt young man, he is not afraid to say just what he thinks of someone or something, regardless of its relevance and how it will affect others. Because of his rank as the top student in school, Jay often sees others as idiots and seems especially disgusted by the behavior of humans, calling them "an incredibly rude species" and "simple". Of course despite this high-and-mighty attitude he is actually pretty naive in regards to the exact workings of the normal world. It is also implied that he is quite socially inept because of his concentration on studying, as he is oblivious to his popularity among girls and rarely seems willing to hold up a conversation. Of course this cold and rather mysterious exterior only makes him all the more popular, much to his annoyance.

Even Aru, whom he has worked with for many years, cannot escape from the water magician's criticism. More often than not the two boys can be found bickering or full-out fighting over something trivial that each are convinced is the other's fault. Ever since childhood they have done this- most likely due to their conflicting elemental powers- and are quite infamous in school for causing chaos when together.

But, despite his prickly exterior, Jay does have a more caring side... In fact he is almost the textbook example of a "tsundere". While he may talk down to others, if he sees someone who needs help he will almost always do anything he can to provide it, although he will rarely take credit for the act. For example, when helping a boy try to make a present for the classmate he likes, Jay creates snow just for the occasion since the girl loves winter most. He also encourages the boy to help in making a present for her, but he tries to make the words come out in the same icy and aloof manner he usually speaks with. He also is very loyal to Aru and, no matter how many times he insults or abuses him, will always stick up for his partner and even risk his own safety to protect him. But his awkward nature comes out several other times around people as well, for on one occasion he even pulls leaves off of a branch (in "she loves me, she loves me not" style) to help decide whether or not he will apologize to Cho-Ah.

After the time he has been taken from in canon, Jay will have just fought the other wizard pair from Libel Magic School. In the midst of the battle the choker he always wears will have been damaged and, because of him losing control of his magic, he will forget the middle of the battle. This will have weighed on his mind while in Pleasantville, and the presence of the almost annoyingly perfect surroundings will have done little to improve his mood. While remaining just as quiet and semi-hostile as always, he would have also been secretly worrying about how his assignment with Aru could have gotten completed, since there was a one year time limit. He will still last out when annoyed and try to keep himself isolated, but in the end he will be more willing to work with others and open up to them .

Powers/Abilities: Like every other student in magic school, Jay's powers are based around a certain element: in this case water. As the brightest in his class, Jay shows great promise and even displays the ability to conjure clouds from thin air at a young age. In the manga he has also been shown to use water-whips, levitation, telepathy, and create moonlight. Later he even harnesses water from a lake to create rain, although the spell is of such a high difficulty that it drains his life force and makes him ill afterwards.

It has also been implied that Jay's magic is under some sort of seal, as during one fight the choker he normally wears his damaged and he seems to go into a sort of trance. His hair begins to turn black and he becomes much more ruthless, his opponent even claiming that the feel of the air around them changed. Later Jay claims to not recall that part of the battle or how his choker was torn, only knowing that he needs to replace it somehow... Even though he has no idea how long he has even been wearing it for.

While anything water-based is no problem for the apprentice wizard, when working in tandem with Aru his powers are increased even further. Together the boys can manipulate many parts of nature and even change the weather, although this can only work for brief periods of time. Despite their opposing elements the two are quite talented and can even use each other's powers when they switch bodies on one occasion. Of course one would have to wonder just how strong Jay could have been if he had wound up with another strong water user instead of Aru...


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