(no subject)

Jan 20, 2005 23:44

This is all to go in conjunstion with the post by montgomery today. Any one reading this should read his and this will make sense.

I just read Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America, 1835 (spelling and dates close enough), and he talks throughly about the "tyrany of the majority" (he actually came up with the term). And all i can say is that its sad to see a country, that was held so highly in the world's respect as being a country that can overcome prejudices through a decentralized government and through a common will for collective good over personal prejudices, turn out this way. Sponge Bob is not the devil and i think that the cristian right should be praising those types of programs for teaching tollerance and acceptance, the whole "good will toward men" thing. But instead they seem to be object to this and are, essentially, saying that morals and the christian faith is based upon intollerance and elite socio-cultural institutions that hold the bible and white man as the basis for judgement.
I actually sit on the streets of santa cruz and hang out with some of the homeless people. There is this game they play, more of a survival technique, where they can tell if a person will give them change just by they way they look. The women in SUVs, with their gap sweaters and prada purses, are the least likely to give over a quarter. The men with big trucks and the cell phone holdsters are also the least likely to give a quarter. It is however the younger generations and the leather wearing bikers and laborers who give over the most money. And this is not to say that the bikers and college kids are more well off and are beading heart liberals (a term i dispise). I think its because the lower middle class person raised their kids through the regan and early Bush years with Barney and PBS shows, mostly because they could not stay home but would have to work. The 80 seemed to be the unofficial time for both men and women within the family structure needing to work to support the family.
I have talked too much here really. But i will say that if it wasnt for me being raised off of MR. Rogers and cartoons, as well as muppets and big bird, that i would have not been able to handle the reality of our current state of affairs.
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