Welcome post, Redux!

Sep 02, 2009 16:32


We, the lovely members of Team RPS would like to welcome all of you amazing beings to the SPN Fic Olympics on spnwriterlounge and of course our Team! *shakes pom poms*

This is our way of introducing ourselves and welcoming you to our adventures into the land of RPS fiction! So here is a small blurb and a drabble from each of the team members (the drabbles were part of the First Mini Challenge) in preparation of what is to come! More Fic! More RPS! More J2! More things other than J2! *g*

germanjj: Hey, my name is Christin and I'm from Germany (what, you knew that? what gave it away? ;P). I love writing for the Supernatural-fandom and especially RPS. I love the challenge of creating something as close to the truth as possible, with my own little twists in it.

Addicted, J2

In the dark you don't care. You don't let all the fear, all the doubts get to you when the lights are out.
You push the thoughts of girlfriends aside, of families, of reputations.
You just let yourself fall into heat and friction, into the taste of Jensen exploding on your tongue.
You can't stay away. You tried. You tried so hard.
But his breathy moans tingle like music in your ear, the softness of his skin makes your fingers itch.
You have to taste these lips, can't stop yourself from going back to that every single night.
You're addicted.


Confession, J2

The faces in the video that surfaced on youporn weren’t clear, but anybody observing them for long enough (like 95% of the fangirls in the world) knew immediately who was in that dimly lit hotel hallway kissing desperately and fondling each other. They denied and denied and denied. Agents, suits, families, friends, all told them that their careers were on the line. Jensen felt like he was being forced to choose between job and life. He wondered. Then he called his agent and asked him if he could get them a spot on Ellen Degeneres’ show. Appropriate place for confession.

ladyrhyanne: Hi, I'm Rhyanne or Rhy and I've been involved in the Supernatural fandom since the beginning and writing RPS since 2007. Jared/Jensen are my favorite pair.

Don't Care, J2

Jared’s only dimly aware of where he is. Is only vaguely concerned that they are on stage at a con. Can barely hear the screaming that must seem very loud to everyone else.

Because all his teasing and thinly veiled innuendos seemed to finally paid off. It seems he’s finally pushed Jensen just too far if the way he’s kissing him is anything to go by.

Somewhere in the back of his head, he knows they’ve just opened a can of worms that will never be closed again but as Jensen’s tongue curls around his, he really just doesn’t care.


Not suggestive at all, J2

“Are you kidding me?” Jensen asked.

“What?” Jared smiled. His hand was covered with a fluffy brown piece of fabric, resembling a monkey holding some bananas. “It's cute.”


Jared moved the monkey puppet in front of his face. “Come on, Jensen,” he said in a high, squeaky voice. “Play with me.”

Jensen laughed and scratched his head. “Fine. Just this once. You're so getting it. Revenge is sweet.”

Jared rolled his eyes.

Jensen revealed his puppet: a happy-looking grey elephant. “Hi, Jared,” Jensen said, in his deepest voice. Jared collapsed on the bed in a fit of laughter.

stageira: Hi, I'm Helen or stagie, am Greek and have been an RPS fan since 1998 (yeah, scary. Metallica if you want to know *g*) an SPN fan since 2008 and I have way too many other fandoms. Am not a prolific writer, but I thought that this type of fest/challenge might actually help me remedy that!

Touch, Jeff/Misha

Jeff shivered as the two lightly callused fingers travelled up and down his spine. The touch was light, but had enough of an effect to make his back stretch out towards the touch.

The room they were in was dimly lit and Jeff couldn't see Misha very well, but the fingers kept their light touching all over his back and the top of his shoulders.

"I do not have wings you know." The gruff tone of his voice belied the love that Jeff felt for this crazy man who had in such a sort time captured his heart. Oh man.


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