What comes before Part B? Part A!!

Jun 09, 2007 00:00

Today was RP's birthday bash amongst other things...

CBL rang me this morning. He's one of my closest mates; we were practically inseparable in secondary school until we had a big fight over something ridiculously meaningless towards the end and then didn't talk for five years.

I sent out a generic mass-email last Summer when I got my degree results through and on a whim I included his old email address on there. Lo and behold it was still active and he replied! And it was just like we'd never been separated at all. So, he rang and told me he was going to be in my area running a couple of errands so I met up with him in the morning, went to the Post Office and sorted a few bits and pieces out, showed him my favourite shop which is full of beautiful, stunning pieces of artwork. Some of which even feature the Beatles - needless to say, it's my kinda place!

Went home and 10 minutes later was back outside again but this time going to an Indian restaurant with my immediate family and one member of my slightly extended family who is over here on a business trip right now but actually lives in the States. Then straight back home again where I came on the computer and messed around on Facebook for a little while before I suddenly realised much to my horror that it was 7pm and I was meant to have left at this point, to get to RP's birthday party on time! Nightmare!!!

Dashed upstairs, got my outfit on, straightened my hair, put on big earrings, heels, wrapped her gifts as fast as I possibly could, sprayed on extra deodorant (it's very hot at the moment) and left, hoping that I'd encounter no transport problems on my way. I absolutely hate being late for anything. Got there around 8.45 instead of 8 (transport problems!), I wasn't the last to get there by any stretch. And it ended up being a truly fantastic night. The DJ was a bit rubbish but we all got on the dancefloor regardless and I really enjoyed myself. Most importantly she loved the gifts I got for her which is great because she made me feel truly special on my birthday and I wanted to do the same for her.

Getting home was a bit of a struggle, the nearest tube station was closed so I took a series of nightbuses and eventually one tube to get home (safely) around 2am. A random Australian man sat next to me on one of the buses and asked if I'd like to join him for a kebab. I politely declined, telling him that I'm a vegetarian. His girlfriend countered this enthusiastically by saying "It's ok you can have a falafel! I'm vegetarian and I eat falafel instead." I smiled and said that I couldn't come with them, because I was too tired. It amused me no end though!

friends, party, transport, dancing, birthday

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