Facing dance demons

Sep 18, 2008 13:37

Earlier in the year was a week where I really overdid it gym-wise, went to loads of classes etc and ended up having to walk out in the middle of the Street Dance class because a combination of extreme stitch and leg muscle pains kicked in? Oh the shame of it! I finally got the courage to give it another shot, hoping that nobody would remember me from the last disastrous time I went in.

Needless to say I was a bit nervous but whilst waiting outside I got talking to 3 other women who were also trying the class for the first time which gave me endless comfort. Two of them were married-with-kids women in their 40s and I thought if they had the guts to try this class then I could certainly do the same. I quickly talked to the instructor beforehand and recapped what had happened last time I went, bless her she didn’t remember me but did tell me that if the same thing happened that I should alert her straightaway because she’d be able to help me.

The class started and the two stalwarts I remembered from last time were at the front, almost leading everyone else! Apart from one bit during the intense cardio bit where I had to slow down for a couple of minutes, I did much better than I thought I would. The instructor put people into pairs for an intense sit-up routine, 6 followed by 8, then the big one of 16 full sit-ups. I only missed one in the 16! As for the actual dance-routine bit, I picked it up fairly quickly and managed to hang with the pros at the front. It was a full hour-and-a-half and I felt so proud of myself as I went home. Yay! :-)

working out, courage, street dance

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