"You'll never know how I watched you from the shadows as a child..."
Jul 19, 2010 07:42
("You'll never how how it feels to get so close and be denied...")
Post ten thirteen of any pictures currently on your hard drive that you think are self-expressive. - No captions. It must be like we're speaking with images and we have to interpret your visual language just like we have to interpret your words. - They must already be on your hard drive - no google or flickr! They have to have been saved to your folders sometime in the past. They must be something you've saved there because it resonated with you for some reason.
aizjanika and I have started watching Farscape. It's definitely the brand of odd that I think I'm mostly able to appreciate, and I'm actually somewhat surprised at how much I'm enjoying it. Due to the way things ended between Stargate and I I've often wondered if the association in my head between Vala and Claudia Black would completely destroy my ability to enjoy anything ever with her in it, but oh god was I mistaken because Aeryn Sun is so fucking amazing. If every show on television aspired to have female characters as intrinsically powerful, flawed, and realistically human then I might actually be able to watch TV again without drugging myself first figuratively of course.