101 in 1001: #2 "make a list of Things I Can Do"

Aug 15, 2010 14:34

Play trumpet
Play french horn
Drive a stick-shift
Create a basic webpage using HTML

Label things
Edit English papers for spelling and grammatical errors
Create a 3D model using SketchUp

Create a set of construction documents using AutoCAD
Climb a 20-foot ladder
Clean out a vacuum cleaner
Cook some yummy dinners
Make peanut butter fudge

Make pepper jelly
Paint happy little cheek-designs on kids' faces (and some adults)
Adjust digital photographs using Photoshop
Catch feral and half-feral kittens and tame them enough to be petted/held
Build a proper fire

Bathe a cat without getting scratched or bitten
Be spontaneous (occasionally)
File papers
Create paperclip jewelry
Create ninja stars using exacto blades and tape dots

Hit someone across the room with a rubberband
Ignore the voices in my head, even when they're being perfectly reasonable
Kick ass at Tekken/Mortal Kombat/Soul Caliber
Take forever on games such as Final Fantasy/Star Ocean
Rake my yard

Clean out my car
Go grocery shopping without assistance
Document a building and/or building site fairly accurately
Climb a tree
Read an entire book in one sitting

Write extremely neatly
Put someone in a wristlock
Sell garage sale items for more than some people think they're worth
Design a house from scratch
Chop down shrubbery

Mow the lawn with a push mower
Navigate New Orleans without freaking out or getting lost
Lift heavy boxes without assistance
Paint a room
Find lost or misplaced things when someone else is looking for them

101 in 1001

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