Apr 26, 2009 19:43
I do realize how many of you are set in your ways to challenge the hidden lords and so the creatures that loom over us as their tools. Do be careful, yes? A poorly chose move could result in another mess for the rest of us. Keeping homes in one piece as well as I suppose yourselves seems the better plan.
Try not to cause ill to the rest of us.
On another note, this weather is soon to be moving on to warming currents, I do believe. When that time comes my goal is to make better use of the innards of Madison Square Garden. If anyone has any qualms of such, you may discuss it with me at that location. I refuse to answer anyone over this network.
((Maybe this time I won't go on a giant hiatus for him to get stomped on work on this project. If anyone does want to have words with him and are not fixated with finding the missing folk, I'll have an open thread up shortly XD))
not only pirates like to fly,