The ones that stick out the most:
Tron Bonne
The first one he encountered in Manhattan, who got the full force of his 'madness' before he collapsed. She quickly got on his good side once he saw her servbots, although he shot one (it really wasn't that bad) by mistake recently, while trying to dislodge a crab from her. She of course flipped out and left him :D BUT. We'll see how that actually turns out, as Tron sees her servbots as her children, and Cid thinks that's absolutely stupid :D;
Ffamran (Balthier)
That's the complicated one. Without Venat, finding out he did actually die, and finding out that Ivalice did get squared away, kinda leaves Cid in a sort of "Fine, now what" state. And also allows him to 'notice' more things around him, including his son Ffamran. But he only shows that he actually cares when bad stuff happens, like the mega!attack... and his I-think-I'm-dying-again bit. Though knowing this, he tends to make some very dark comebacks to make up for showing that he still cares. He does automatically hone in on journals if they mention 'Balthier' in any way, which he hopes the pirate never finds out about, either.
Sara Sidle
Helped him find a gun shop, although they had a shaky moment when she mentioned Balthier, and he thought her of trickery and pirating. That got cleared up though, and she is into the sciences herself, so they get along swimmingly.
Joel Robinson
Heh... Insulted the name 'Ffamran' which made Cid pissy, but then made some weird ass concoction out of the name, in which Cid told him that if he ever meets Balthier in any way to use it, for 'good' results. Since then when Cid and Ffamran had a short peace between them, the good doctor warned the boy away from Joel, wiiithout giving the reason. Because I told you so. But going back to wanting to distance himself from Ffamran again, Cid hopes that they do meet and such name-calling goes off.
Fran Madaraki
She CLAIMS to be a doctor and of the science variety, but thus far all Cid has seen is bogus ideas coming from her, and believes her to be a fraud. Still, he is curious about her organizing a meeting of minds.
Ohhhh he got on Cid's bad side right from the start, namely with the whole "IMAGONNAKILLUBALTHIER" stuff. See? Secret-watching-over-Ffamran stuffs. Mmm okay I glanced at canon now. Says that sometimes Gabranth unoffically employs him, so Cid probably catches wind of it once and awhile. But he did at least recognize the name, and might do a eureka!post sometime soon of remembering maybe now. Cid hopes that Ba'gamnan does not get a hold of his last name though, because even the dumb bangaa can make THAT connection, and he doesn't need it getting back to Ffamran that he was being all scowly about the bangaa being after his head :|
Fran (viera)
Oddly enough, he doesn't show as many qualms towards the viera as he does Ffamran. Probably because they're not related, really. He dislikes her for the normal "RAWR PIRATES" deal, but I think he finds viera slightly interesting, and, hell, she's probably his age, too. They could share some understanding. She indirectly challenged him, too. Although she's gone now, and he knows this. He made sure to jab it in Ffamran's face as a distraction to his slip of letting his caring show.
Cid does respect Larsa, and think he would make an excellent Emperor. He knows the boy is resourceful, and hopes he is making due in the city. Unfortunately, they haven't much been in contact.
Yeahhhh.... after their encounter, Cid just looks down at her as being more crazy than him, and will choose to ignore her whenever possible.
George Weasely
Does not know what sarcasm is. (Okay, he does, probably, but of course he gets on peoples' bad sides.) Anyway, after insulting Cid as a scientist, George is on Cid's "I'm Going to Scowl at You Whenever I Can" list. He probably won't be able to tell Fred and George apart either, so Fred will get his scowly face too, presumably.