Sep 29, 2006 23:30
I am at one of those points again where i was dead. Maybe other people don't get depressed about this shit but everytime i start reading about our present worldly situation. I just want to be dead. I honestly can feel that i am missing so much by living like this, I just then try and zonk myself away by starting another video game or something else as mind numbing. There this fine line i walk right now, I know it i walk a really close line of giving up this life. If someone pushed me away from it I would drop it all, if something genuinly pushed me away i would turn and leave this life of working and rent and bills. if there is a draft i will in one day be a drifter. If i was to lose my job, i might just move out and walk to chile. I don't know if anyone else gets it, Mike takes pixal and he doesn't understand how much it pisses me off and males me think he is weak. Elle doesn't understand i hate rich people, i hate the this I am wondering if i should try to pay my fines, and get out of collections if i should try and stay with this machine or give up i noticed that i have been buying very organic almost everything i buy organic this and all natural that like i am actually making a differance why should i even try to use natural products when nothing about my life is natural? why should i even care that my hashbrowns have pesticides on them when i drink water from the tap? Sometimes i think there is going to be a revolution, that something is going to change all of this but then there never is, and if that comes what are we going to do next? honestly i think i should buy a gun, maybe a few.