If you ever have to depend on someone, let it be yourself.

Jun 12, 2002 21:40

I know, it's been incredibly too long!

Here goes one long ass entry...

Well, since I'll never be able to recall all of the events since I last updated, I'll tell ya as much as I can remember.

Like seriously, even Agnew was impressed. (I think I ever managed to impress myself a bit too...)
I had fun doing it too. Researched. Surveyed classes at KG and CGS. Interviewed Noe, who turned out to help me out a lot more than I had expected. Did a ppt. All that good stuff.
Made this crucial posterboard of Music Paraphernalia.
It was great.
And everyone said my presentation was one of the best.
(Although, no one could beat Nicks. His was incredibly funny.)

What else?
We had our final concert.
Went over well.
Band awards night.
I got most spirited for Jazz and Concert band and most dedicated to Jazz band.
(I think Dave, Brian and I cleaned up! LOL)

I know I'm leaving something major out... but I want to save that til the end!

Cody's coming back to CGS next year.
YES! I was soo happy when she told me that!

I stole a chair on the last day of school from CGS, had to carry on the tradition for Sam and Clinto.
(And yes, JonJon kissed Anna for a medium coke.)

It was great.
And I'm sad it's over for now.
And that some people aren't coming back (mainly JonJon).
It's gonna be so weird not riding up with Clint and Sam next year. :(
Awwh oh well.


Passed all my SOLs.
Go me.

My birthday was a couple days ago!
Got a clarinet, $250, a few shirts and some other stuff.
I can't wait for my clarinet to get here! I'm so excited!

OH! And the best thing in the world!
Laura and I (and her dad) all went to the Blink 182 and Green Day concert!

It was so freaking much fun!
I want to go to another concert again so bad now...
Like Green Day was absolutely orgasmatic.
Blink 182... they were eh. Not as good as Green Day!
And Saves the Day was there! (They rock, despite what Laura thinks!)

It was just so much fun.
So many people, so hyped up.

I'm trying to get tickets to Warped Tour now.
*Lets hope*

Ok, I've waiting long enough...

I'm going to be drum major next year!!!
It's so freaking kool!
But I have to go to band camp. :(

Yeah, I had decided I wasn't even going to try out, just let Heidi, Ben and Mark get it, but then Noe told Courtney to make me... so I did.
And I got it.
It's Ben and I though... which... well, we all know.
(I swear, he'll be sterile by the end of Marching Season!)

But yeah.
I was sooo nervous trying out!
Like, it was me, Mark, Ben, Courtney, and Laura there.
And we had to go outside and march, and the three trying out took turns giving commands.
I thought I was going to die.

And then Adam showed up.
Like I wasn't screwing up enough as it was!

All these people watching that make me 50 times more nervous...

But I did it.
And it'll be good, hopefully.

And Ben (not the one who's drum major, this one already graduated and was drum major) had a fit when we told him it was me and Ben.
Since I'm apparently so young.
Barf on him.
And he beat the crap out of me for my bday!

Graduation is Friday. :(
That's sooo sad.
I am painting Dave some sticks, they are gonna be awesome.
And well... I'll do something for Courtney too.


I'm out.
Laura, Yvonne, and I are going out tomorrow and I need my rest!

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