Tired of Gays crying and other people

Sep 12, 2005 10:29

The Constitution Says that the Creator gave inalienable rights. Who does the constitution say the creator is? I do read at the end it says "In the Year of Oyur Lord." We do know the God of the Bible gives inalienable rights. But if our founding fathers were unsure of who the Creator was or if we even had a creator, then how can they be sure the creator gave us inalienable rights?

Wouldnt yo have to know who God was in order to know if he gave you inalienable rights?

Man is not God. You cannot just act like a 3 year old kid and whine and say "that isnt right!" Speak logically. WHy isnt that right? Did you say or did God say? ANd if you said it wa right or wrong, then are you the one who holds the supreme perception of the universe, are you the One in whose sight all reality is defined?

ANd if you are not, then who is the one who said what right and wrong is? Dont you have to know the designer of an object to know its purpose? And if that object is not doing its intended purpose, how can you know unless you know what the creator designed it for?

Bsically God is truth. If you dont know him, then you lose the right to say you know something is truely wrong or right. So then where do you get your right to say anything is right or wrong?

ANd if there is no God, then how can anything be wrong? Nothing can ultimately be defined becasue there is no ultimate definer or creator.

The devil is a liar and a creator of false reality.

And idiot peole who are budhists frustrate me the most when they try and call me immoral. LOOK, I WAS A BUDDHIST FOR YEARS!!!!!! I KNOW FOR A FACT THERE IS NO RIGHT AND WRONG IN BUDDHISM!!!!!! So quit trying to telll me i'm immoral when buddhism doesnt define what right and wrong is. Like i said, without knowing the creator and the creaotor's purpose, you cannot tell the creator that what the creator created is working right or wrong.
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