but you don't know

Dec 24, 2010 18:36

title: but you don't know
rating: pg-13
genre: romance, angst
pairing: jooyeon&g.o

g.o doesn't know that her heart is broken, and jooyeon doesn't know that she breaks his every day. )

pairing: jooyeon/g.o, after school, #fanfic, mblaq

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olvejuice December 25 2010, 21:20:32 UTC
FFFFFFFF holy shit this was good. So so so good.

G.O/Jooyeon are my favorite favorite faaavorite otp and it's so hard to fins fics of them. But this. This was so good. I always imagined G.O./Jooyeon to be fluffy (how he treats her on shows or random tomes I wrote them u_u haha) but I think you nailed the angst between these two perfectly perfectly. I always believed they had some underlying angst between them or emotions that run far deeper than their cute friendship ( Or so I like to imagine ). But ugh I'm just a sucker for angst and your writing is beautiful. I love how their inner feelings were described and I think you have he two spot on.

But this was wonderful wonderful. I hope you write more! ♥ I'm going to add this to my memories :]


olvejuice December 25 2010, 21:23:23 UTC
Oh and excuse my typos! I was typing that on my phone ._. haha.


withoutchange December 25 2010, 21:26:06 UTC
i really want to respond to this comment .. but my phone is being stupid and i can only see the icon, and it is making me lol so much <3


olvejuice December 25 2010, 21:59:03 UTC
Haha! Oh it makes me lol too ._.


withoutchange December 26 2010, 02:23:25 UTC

thank you so muchhhh! i'm so glad to find someone else who has these two as an otp! they're like ... fourth on my list. they're so amazing fhkjagh, i can't even put it into words. i agree, whenever i think of them i think playful joking and violence (on her side). but you can't help but wonder why two lovable people aren't together after knowing each other for three years. they're just .. i can't explain. i saw them together on idol army and he talked about her on infinity girls. i really wish i was able to catch them on invincible youth, since i read that was interesting, and just .. no words can explain how real i feel these two are.

sorry for my little spasm up there ^
obviously you can see i become very happy when i read about these two, and i'm glad my first writing piece for them was worthy enough for you to mem.

anyways .. lol, you seem like a cool person x__x i'm jesa (sorry if i'm being super random.)
it was definitely your icon from the bromance video that got me.


olvejuice December 26 2010, 09:28:35 UTC
Seriously they're my favorite. It used to be another one but they just climbed their watching their interactions and everything. (And Jooyeon is my favorite from AS and MBLAQ became my favorite male idol group ♥ ) And seriously I always wonder why they aren't together. Publicly. Ugh. Their interactions are just gold and precious and dsjfkh ♥ Esp the fact they knew each other for 3 years (and being in different companies). I seriously wonder the history behind that (being that she must've known him during TYKEYS days). I seriously cross my fingers that they are together TT ( ... )


withoutchange December 26 2010, 22:05:53 UTC
*crosses fingers with you* T____T she has to accept his love eventually. it'll happen. wait and see .. well, i'm just building my hopes up. if only the industry was more lenient on dating, then i'm sure we'd have a bunch of idol couples and not just like .. what .. four?

& I REALLY WISHED I WAS ABLE TO WATCH IT. i live in the middle of ny where kpop isn't all that popular, so, i watch things when they're subbed due to the fact that i can't understand korean D: and thank you very much!

nice to meetya Lena (: the bromance video made me extremely happy lol. all of ryanhiga's videos make me laugh. can we be friends? :D


olvejuice December 26 2010, 22:27:01 UTC
She just has to TT He's so obvious. Ide. But yes! I'm just waiting for some press release and it'll be all good.

I ACTUALLY HAVE THE LINK TO THE SUBBED ONE IF YOU'D LIKE ♥ I could PM it to you! I also found links to the unsubbed second one but...its so cute jkdfhg esp the g.o/jooyeon momeny. And I cant understand korean either. :( I wish I could.

God, I love Ryan Higa, he's just hillarious. Seeing Jay AND Ryan AND wongfu together just killed me so hard. And yeah definitely!! I'll friend you 8) I hardly update this though (mainly use it to comment things) but I really should. I've been meaning to try my hand on writing more fics TT Oh! Do you have a tumblr by the way? (I hope thats not bad asking and all ♥ haha)


withoutchange December 26 2010, 22:43:58 UTC
AHHHHHH. /insert wild fan girl screaming.
i didn't actually scream but you should see my smile, it is just HUGE. like ... WOAH. and that would be amazingly ahmazing if you pmed both of them to. i think i just cried a little on the inside from happiness.

and ryan and jay are both attractive and seeing them together makes me so happy >___< and yay, i'll friend you back <3 i would love to read some of your fics :D i just started writing for g.o/jooyeon, so hopefully i'll have more up soon. i'm a little short right now for ideas since i'm just spazzing, but i'd write one for you ♥

and it's not bad at all! but unfortunately i don't have one T___T i'm sorrry


olvejuice December 26 2010, 23:03:55 UTC
YAY ♥ Haha. And yes I'll go PM it to you right now!! It's so nice to know someone who also ships them. It's rare to find people who know their interactions and all 8(

They are, omg. Ryan's smile is just so dskhdsg. It makes me melt TT I hope they do more videos together. And okay!! I'm really looking forward to reading it and I'll probably go read some of your other fics. And omg would you really? ;_; I'd die out of happiness. Oh! And I had some in my old journal but I did that music fic meme of G.O/Jooyeon right here It's pretty angsty because my music kept playing angsty music :| I should be writing more though. huhuhu. Maybe I will~

Aw, it's okay! ♥ I'm like on there all the time ._. But! I'll try to use my lj a lot more often ^^


withoutchange December 26 2010, 23:33:41 UTC
you should see me, i'm such an excited mess right now. it's kind of ridiculous, a normal person shouldn't become so happy over things like this, but i digress. and i don't really care <3 THANK YOU SO MUCH. i pretty much love you.

agreed. i saw them on idol army but i was a little too caught up in mir/nana, cause they were just adorable (her stabbing him with a spoon. multiple times.) but the second time i watched it i realized that damn, they look really good/comfortable with each other. and then, my love started to grow the more i found out about them :D

and ryan is pretty amazing. i wanna know someone like hiim .__.; sigh. if only. and i just read your drabble fic, and i think i have to leave you a passionate comment about what i think .. but you'll see later.

andd yay ♥ that makes me happy :3


olvejuice December 27 2010, 09:01:27 UTC
You're welcome! Dont worry, I get way too happy over the things like this too so I think we're in the same both. I pretty much love you too 8( Where have you been in my life, omg.

MIR/NANA MADE THAT EPISODE ♥ (the hyungs calling out mir's huge crush on her -- ahem BOY MV, the spoon stabbing YES. And him just..dealing with it) But yeah! Thhey really did. And how G.O just openly says that his ideal type is here but covers it up with saying he has ~many ideal types. I could seriously seriously just go on about this pair.

I would love to know someone like him too :( I love in CA but much more south than LA and he goes there like all the time :| Sigh. But he's hillarious I love it. I'd probably befriend Jay too because he's just so derpy but so..i cant even describe it. And I responded to it! ♥ You totally make me want to write more ;_;

Good good ♥


withoutchange December 27 2010, 18:48:29 UTC
i've been .. here, i just joined livejournal like .. a few months ago x___x i'm so socialnetwork-ly inclined that it's kind of ridiculous.

and they did make that episode. it was hilariouuuus. (THREE MINUTES AND TWELVE SECONDS. all day every day.) OHHH MIR, i love him so much. throughout all of idol army mir just always made my day with his banshee screaming <33 and G.O only has one ideal type ;__; jooyeon forever.

& i've always wanted to live in cali, but instead i live in new york where we get FIFTEEN INCHES OF SNOW .___.; *stuck inside* andddd ♥ aww, really? D: i'm glad, you should write, it's all really great!


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