Jun 27, 2005 12:56
Well hmm. I haven't been online for a little while. Haha. Friday, I went to la casa de Carolyn and Tessie and Kat were there, also. That was fun. We played cards, talked, and whatnot. She gave me a birthday present. =) Then on my way home, there was someone's house on fire. Aah! It wasn't close to mine or anything...it just messed up the phone line. Blah. H'anyways, I haven't been falling asleep until 2:30-3:00am lately. I don't mean to but...I think I sleep in too late sometimes. Hehe. At least Beavis and Butthead is on really late... =) Hmm. Yesterday was ok. I went to church and was blessed for my birthday. That was cool. After that, I went to my godmother's house and talked a few minutes. I went to the mall and bought some things. Muahaha. I just came home after going to the grocery store. I called Eran and talked for a little while. =) Other than that, nothing really interesting has happened.