Nov 01, 2007 15:52
so I suppose I never realized how important confidence is in the female department, but I've discovered that since I've become more confidence, there's women everywhere.
I like it, it's rather flattering... but sometimes I wish it was just one, you know? One I like, one who likes me. It makes things simpler. There's not all this confusion flying around and the pressing matter of dissappointing people, hurting people. Always hanging over my head. I've never had this problem before, I have no idea how to deal with it.
but then, if life were simple, it'd be written in Basic, have a terrible work-output ratio, and could only perform one task at a time.
As it would have it, life is written in a program of it's own design called REAlitY, in which the minimum amount of work on life's part produces the most amount of output worldwide, and the most common line of code is
>>Produce life=sucks !;true
someone's going to end up getting hurt now matter how I deal with this problem. I suppose my best choice of action is to suck it up and get used to the fact that I can't please everyone all the time.