Feb 26, 2005 13:37
ok, so i thought i could just forget this, but it's not over, andy...!!!!!!!!
so like everyone's said "he likes you, blah blah" wtf?
cuz ok w/e sure, i don't mind we're friends, but when someone tries to control
you, and tell you how you should think
then !fuck it!
i mean
i was on the phone with him
and we started talking about classes
and he's told me he planned out his classes so he could get easy A's awhile ago
so now he says
"i know what i want to do with my life, so i'm not going to work hard and waste
energy on classes that won't help me"
so he takes "easy A" classes instead? wtf? "colleges look at grades" and i'm like "they look at classes too!" and he's like "no they don't, blah blah" he's so full of shit.
and you can't know for sure what u're going to do when ur a sophmore!
i mean, it mite not work out
and he's not even taking some of the classes that are REQUIRED at my school
dunlap's just stupid
anyway, so i was like
"well my school requires that stuff, and i'm in enriched classes,,blah blah, because i wanna know this
even if i dont' need it"
and he starts going off on how much dunlap's better
and soon, i don't know how we got there, he's trying to get me to say Dunlap
is better than RHS!
ok, first of all i don't care what anyone says, my loyalties are to RHS
no matter what.
so that's crazy
and then he starts going on about how Dunlap is the newest, most updated, and
has the latest technology and shit, so it's better
and he starts dissing RHS
"well it needs to be repaired, so what would you rather have?"
and come on! damn it, RHS duh, it's MY school, (pluz dunlap is filled with bitches
and they are all spoiled brats)
so i don't care if he thinks Dunlap is better than RHS, hell it's his own school
but when he tries to control my opinions, he's crossed the line
he kept saying
"well come on, honestly, what would you rather have, honestly, put all ur bias aside"
and i was like No, and he just kept pushing it, pushing his opinions on me
wtf?!?! hell, i never knew he was such a controling bastard
and then he bad mouths my school!
fuck, that's not rite
pluz, he's all like "dunlap isn't that rich, blah blah, we're not spoiled"
yet, he goes on about how they have the lastest crap and all this money
he's acting like a fucking ass!
i mean i dunno
i just got so PISSED OFF
that i just hung up on him
and he doesn't understand the problem
it's like he has no brain
*sigh* i feel better