apetslife said it first and best, but I figured it was worth getting up on my high horse about, too.
For all of us (yes, of course "us"; did anyone really think I wouldn't be going?) headed for Fort Worth in June: BEHAVE.
Whether Jensen is a frail flower or not, whether you'll ever get to see him in person again or not, whether your mama raised you right or not: show a little courtesy. To Jensen, to the other theatergoers, to your fellow fans. By all means, be excited and enthusiastic at the performance--but remember, this is not a pop concert. Screaming is not appropriate. If you want to try to get an autograph or a photo with Jensen, wait by the stage door, again, with respect. There's absolutely a place and time for wild squeeing; that place and time is NOT anywhere Jensen (or most mundanes*--with the possible exception of waitstaff in all-night restaurants, who kind of have to take what comes with the territory) might see or hear. Scaring the talent is never a good idea. And--this should go without saying--NO GRABBY-HANDS!
We all love Jensen, and we want him to know it. That's fine. Just please, for your sake and everyone else's, remember that while he may look like he was created in a lab (or by a technician very close to God), he's a human being, and we don't own him, or any part of him.
*You never know who might be standing/sitting a few feet away from you. Do you really want Jensen's mother, or cousin, or best friend from high school to hear you talking about what he does in your fantasies? Let me answer that for you, in case there's any doubt: You do not.