Hana hou!

Dec 29, 2005 01:33

Today was officially the day of animals.
I spend several hours this a.m. catching geckos and anoles from banana trees with a plastic beer cup. The total was 6 madagascar day geckos, 1 green anole and 1 brown anole. Don't worry, I just caught them and let them hang out for a bit and let them go. I have had an obsession with only-midly-harrassing small creatures since I was a young child. It all started with bull frogs, I once caught a 3 foot alligator snapping turtle with a bucket...but that story is for another day.

I then went snorkelling with my little sister, and saw 3 Hawai'ian green sea turtles! They are the most amazing thigs EVER! one of them was almost bigger than me. Is it illegal to touch sea turtles? I know it is illegal to capture or kill them, but I heard a rumor that it is also illegal to touch them... if so, I am a criminal. :S
While snorkelling, I also saw a moray eel, a really cool brown and yellow puffer fish dude that came up right behind me (they must have heard me laughing and screaming on land), and I chased around a school of silver and red fish.
I managed to escape a serious case of the dreaded "snorkel-jaw" this time, but did cut my foot on some coral. ouch.

As it turns out, the mountain biking didn't happen. I rented a bike at the Hilton, but it came with a ridiculous set of rules that included no highway riding, trail riding or beach riding. Needless to say, I was only mildly disappointed.
My family also isn't willing to take the 3hour trip to Kilauea or the rainforest. Those adventures will be saved for another trip, when I arrive ready and willing with my bicycle, camping gear and full knowledge of Hawai'ian biology, in order to receive the full experience I am so aching for.

Tomorrow's adventures include humpback whale watching at 7am and hiking to the petroglyphs!

P.S. I changed my commenting to allow for anonymous posters, for all you non-livejournalers. :)

Until next time! A hui hou kakou!

hawai'i snorkelling

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