Oct 07, 2010 06:39
My heart shatters for the second time in this relationship. I've physically been shaking for 2 and a half hours. How can I trust him when he's done this to me again? Would I better off without? I wish of things together, he wishes for a get out of jail free card.
My heart beats slower knowing it's been wounded again. The shaking continues. I don't know what else to do. I'm becoming more and more closed off, injuries seem never healing. I have no smile conceal my true feelings of worry, mistrust, unassurance. Here comes another panic attack, I feel the lump in my throat rising.
I may be a masochist, whips and chains sure, but this kind is emotional. I never thought I would let someone do it to me again, but here it is.
People die of broken hearts, I just wonder if they feel every moment before they pass.
I really thought things were different, in the best way. But it seems like the past is repeating, and tearing me down all over again. I'm more and more bitter, soon I'll be the crazy old coot that no one pays attention to because she's so spiteful.