Boys are dumb.

Sep 23, 2008 13:38

After I broke up with John, I started hanging out with this other guy Scott for a while. I had known Scott through a couple of my friends, Adam and Aram who happen to live with Scott. Everything was going pretty smoothly, we both kinda liked each other and we decided to give dating a try, even though we didn't know each all that well.

Two weeks went by...for some reason, we were "facebook official" even though I never really felt like we were a complete couple. I mean, we barely knew each other. So finally, one night I brought up the idea that we still needed to learn a lot about each other. I sent him my Italy paper, since I feel like it actually explains a lot about who I am. Anyway, two days later, he read the whole thing. He called me afterwards, saying that he felt like he went about this whole relationship the wrong way...and he was going to set things right by talking to me about all this deep, emotional stuff. That was Monday (last Monday) night.

Then I started my week from hell. I literally had no time to go and see him or talk to him about anything, even though he was asking me every day if I could spend some time with him. I felt really bad about not having any time...but I basically stopped eating and sleeping, just so I could finish everything I needed to do. I couldn't afford to take an hour or two break. Finally, on Thursday, I was like...fine. I'll make time. Somehow.

So I met up with him. We sat down, and he basically said that he felt that he went about this relationship entirely wrong and that he never gave me a chance to be his friend. He felt that we should end it, and try being friends. I agreed, even though I still felt like we could still have a good relationship and get to know each other on a girlfriend/boyfriend basis and build from there. It didn't matter to hard feelings, I wasn't that emotionally involved anyway (considering we only dated for two weeks). We both had the mutual agreement that we were going to be friends.

Now, if that was the end of it, I would have no problem. But shit happens.

The next day, on Friday, I texted him...just "hey, what are you up to?" to see if he was down for grabbing lunch together (I do that all the time...I had already texted Adam, but he was at work). No response. Okay, I got lunch by myself. Four hours later I text him again "Hey." Two hours afterwards..."what's up?" My response "Not too much, what are you up to?". No response. Whatever, not a huge deal. He must be busy.

I had already made plans with Adam to hang out that night, and I knew what time he was getting off work. Considering I had spent the entire afternoon studying at my apartment, I was kinda tired of being there, so I started walking over to Adam, Aram and Scott's apartment. Since I would be hanging out with them that night anyway, I figured it would be okay. I got there, Adam wasn't quite home yet, and Scott just kinda looked at me with the expression "What the fuck are you doing here." Adam showed up, and we all ended up going to a party...only in two separate cars (guess what car I was in...not Scott's!).

We get there, I'm making my rounds of talking to people, and I get back to Scott. Just as I do to all my other friends, I put my hand on his shoulder to get his attention. He ignores me, so I go find someone else to talk to. He continues to ignore me all night. Finally, since I can't talk to him at all, I text him " know, you're still allowed to talk to me." And he says "I know. I just can't be so intimate." I text him back "I'm not asking you to be just don't have to ignore me" just as his friend Katy shows up. He gives her a huge hug, talks to her for a few minutes, reads the text message and then tries to put his arm around me.

I wouldn't let that ass touch me. I mean, seriously. Are we friends, or not? How is it okay to give a huge hug to one of your friends but ignore the other? It's not okay. Unless...there was something I was missing.

Next night...I go to another party with Adam, and two other people. I'm DD, so I'm just taking care of people. Adam gets ridiculously drunk and I end up having to help him get back to his apartment with the two other people. Adam goes to sleep, I'm in the kitchen with the two other people...when all the sudden I hear a girl's voice in the apartment. And it's coming from Scott's room, in which the door shut and locked (and I know it was locked because one of the people I was with tried to go in there earlier).

I really, honestly don't care if he has a new girlfriend. That's not what bothers me. I mean, we only dated for two weeks.

But if you put all the pieces to the puzzle together...something just seems off about his story. He pushed me, all week, to go see him...knowing that we were going to break up. His idea of friendship, at least with me, is to completely ignore the fact that I do exist somewhere in his life. Only guilty people act the way that he did. Only guilty people push those away that remind them of what they kinda fucked up.

I'm convinced that he was not completely honest with me.

I mean, seriously...if you have feelings for another girl and you're considering leaving one relationship to go on to the better say something about it to me about it. I might be a little hurt at first, but at least I know you're caring enough to know that I deserve the truth. I would have much rather have found out about this other girl, who was obviously there while we were still dating (I mean, she was in your bedroom at 2 in the morning with the door locked two days after we broke up) through your mouth than to find out about her by overhearing you in your bedroom with her. You may not think it was any of my business, but it really changes your motivation for ending it with me, and tells me that you weren't completely honest. Which, if you can't be honest with me, you can't be my friend. End of story.

I'm tired of people thinking that this sort of behavior is okay. I would never do this to you...why would you do it to me?
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