Because I keep forgetting this.
C&P'd from IM convo with
asael. Mostly for my own reference, but an open post in case anyone else as trouble with the numbers too >_>
69 = Mukuro (ROKUdo muKUro)
59 = Gokudera (GO KU dera)
18 = Hibari (hi = hitotsu (1), ba = hachi (8) ---> ha ---> ba, IT MAKES NO FUCKING INTUITIVE SENSE, I KNOW)
80 = Yamamoto ('ya' the old way of writing 8, '0' because there's no fucking other number in his name)
96 = Chrome (Chrome Do KU RO, plus it's 69 reversed)
27 = Tsuna (tsu = two, na = nana)
100 = Byakuran ('byaku' = 100)
33 = Ryohei ('sa' 'sa' gawa = 'san' 'san', I guess)
51 = Shoichi, but I can't remember why - 'ichi' is in his name, I don't know where the 5 comes from
10069 = Byakuran/Mukuro
5927 = Gokudera/Tsuna