Title: Dance for the Brokenhearted. (PT 04) Author: kyuppuccino Pairing: Zhou Mi / Kyuhyun Extra: R-rated (for cussing and hints of sex) / AU
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Snippet number 4 This snippet takes place exactly after snippet three and it also begins with Kyuhyun. You know that Zhou Mi has affected Kyuhyun your words make me feel it He ran past all the happiness, the cheerfulness, his pain contrasting with the happiness makes it even worse. In a good way. He quickly went to a bathroom and emptied his stomach of everthing he felt in that moment. It still didn't make him feel any better, but just more emptier. He didn't give a damn about anything at that moment. Also Kyuhyun has a scar on his wrist and I think everyone knows that he has been cutting himself. Now it goes back to Zhou Mi, wondering what was he doing there in the first place. No reason just anything to try to forget. He saw something Kyuhyun dropped and Zhou Mi picked it up. He saw the cigarettes on the list. Then the scene switches to Zhou Mi being in Kyuhyun's room to ask why the cigarettes, although he knew the reason why. Kyuhyun didn't respond and just asked how did he get in. Zhou Mi goes and tell him that a handsome guy has let him in with a bitter edge to his voice. He asked thesee questions that indicated that he was jealous and still angry at the fact that Kyuhyun smokes. Kyuhyun was obviously offended when Zhou Mi said that. Zhou Mi asks again about the cigarettes and Kyuhyun made it painfully obvious that he started right after Zhou Mi left him. Zhou Mi tells him to quit, but Kyuhyun won't have it. Zhou Mi then slapped him and it hurt Kyuhyun not just physically, but emotionally, he didn't want to give Zhou Mi the pleasure of seeing him in pain. He wasn't going to stand fo this and told him to get out immediately. Zhou Mi then saw Kyuhyun's wrist and asked him what it was. Kyuhyun said he fell on a knife in a sarcastic tone, but Zhou Mi knew better and just replied that he was stupid. Nice ending, but my favorite will be Snippet one's ending.
This snippet takes place exactly after snippet three and it also begins with Kyuhyun. You know that Zhou Mi has affected Kyuhyun your words make me feel it He ran past all the happiness, the cheerfulness, his pain contrasting with the happiness makes it even worse. In a good way. He quickly went to a bathroom and emptied his stomach of everthing he felt in that moment. It still didn't make him feel any better, but just more emptier. He didn't give a damn about anything at that moment. Also Kyuhyun has a scar on his wrist and I think everyone knows that he has been cutting himself. Now it goes back to Zhou Mi, wondering what was he doing there in the first place. No reason just anything to try to forget. He saw something Kyuhyun dropped and Zhou Mi picked it up. He saw the cigarettes on the list. Then the scene switches to Zhou Mi being in Kyuhyun's room to ask why the cigarettes, although he knew the reason why. Kyuhyun didn't respond and just asked how did he get in. Zhou Mi goes and tell him that a handsome guy has let him in with a bitter edge to his voice. He asked thesee questions that indicated that he was jealous and still angry at the fact that Kyuhyun smokes. Kyuhyun was obviously offended when Zhou Mi said that. Zhou Mi asks again about the cigarettes and Kyuhyun made it painfully obvious that he started right after Zhou Mi left him. Zhou Mi tells him to quit, but Kyuhyun won't have it. Zhou Mi then slapped him and it hurt Kyuhyun not just physically, but emotionally, he didn't want to give Zhou Mi the pleasure of seeing him in pain. He wasn't going to stand fo this and told him to get out immediately. Zhou Mi then saw Kyuhyun's wrist and asked him what it was. Kyuhyun said he fell on a knife in a sarcastic tone, but Zhou Mi knew better and just replied that he was stupid. Nice ending, but my favorite will be Snippet one's ending.
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