(no subject)

Mar 13, 2006 11:56

I have a whole bunch of things that i've been wondering about lately. one of the things is "where does snow come from?" and another one is "how is it possible that people actually like the Streets?" the band - the Streets. Come on. I can understand liking the S.T.R.E.E.T.S, but the Streets? no way.
I suppose in regards to the snow question, I can either go back to my Elementary School notebooks, or I can even just look on the internet.
In regards to the Streets, I guess I'll just have to be ok with not knowing everything.
Yesterday while I was shoveling snow off of the Hockey Rink, I was thinking about how nice I am. I was also thinking about how nice all of my friends are. If you know us, you're lucky. If you're one of us, keep up the good work!
xo Twyla.
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