Oct 01, 2013 23:27
So, earlier this week, while I was in the cafeteria with my two friends, Talia and Antonio, a bunch more theatre friends entered the cafeteria and joined us. At one point, my friend Sam (guy) came by, and put his arms around Talia and I. I felt so happy and accepted. It made me smile a lot to know that even though these guys know that I am 26 compared to their 19/21, yet I am still their friend! They accept me for me, and I never felt better. I was worried going to school at the age I am, but when I told them this, they all laughed and said, "So? Who cares?" This is awesome!!
So I am currently ASMing Romeo and Juliet. (ASMing = Assistant Stage Manger). I am very happy about this, and it is giving me the confidence back that I somewhat lost when I SMed (SMed = Stage Manage) Caberet. I loved the show, but I seemed to have done so many wrong things, that I second guessed everything! But, with this, and the excitement I am getting with the major I am in, and the program itself, well, I found my spark again.
So last Sunday, I went home and stopped by Mike's place to grab my Magic the Gathering collection. (Some friends at college play). While I was in his room, he crept up slowly behind me and then glomped me. It was so cute. I asked him where this came from since he normally is not like this, and he tells me it's because we have not seen each other in a while.
So this Saturday is my college's Homecoming. Mike and Jay are coming by to hang with me, which I am happy about. They will not be able to make the football game that I will be performing in (yes, I joined the band), but there is a carnival afterwards that we will have fun at. And a dance...maybe I can get Mike to dance with me?...Hey! A girl can wish right?
So I am going to end it here because I have homework to work on that is due tomorrow before I go to bed. But, yes college has been good to me thus far!!