I be confused....when I am out in the middle of nowhere!

Nov 11, 2010 19:51

So, recently, I have been getting into arguments with Mike, and my younger sister Catie. My issue? I keep saying to them, "yes, you are right, and I am wrong." And since I do this, they both like to walk all over me sort of thing. I'm not saying that Mike abuses me or anything like that. It's just when we get into arguments, he has to always win, have the last word, and not let me have a say what so ever. Also! When I do try and state or argue, he will INTERRUPT me! I HATE that!
With Catie, she does that same crap, plus, when she tries to get the last word in, the crap she says, hurts like hell! She knows she can get away with it with me because I let her sort of thing.
So, please help me! What can I possibly do?
Oh! And for Catie, if I tell her to stop because I am the older sister, she will still argue that she doesn't have to listen to me since I am not her mother.

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