Dec 15, 2006 16:54
now that the internet is up at my work perhaps i'll make a post on this forsaken site.
i'm getting more and more into editing video and film as of late, me and adobe premiere are the best of buds currently. my first actual piece will be a video to CTP's song unsinkable, then after that i'm gonna finish my own abstract, crazy as balls video i'm doing for converge's cover of disintegration. its tedious as hell but what can i say i'm in love with the whole process of it all.
i need to get tattooed again.
i also finally ended my semester today, here's hoping for all A's. i'm gonna take a bunch of accelerated courses next term so i will hopefully be able to transfer to UNF by summer. college has been a long, arduous road but i think i'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. i'm even beginning to think about persuing a masters degree in film after i recieve a BA in secondary education. who knows though.
speaking of long and arduous my band has yet to take off. i guess when you have 4 members that are constantly busy you can never have time to practice. oh well. time will tell what happens.
where did the cold go god damnit.
thats all for now