(no subject)

Sep 18, 2007 21:29

Title: Quiet

Archive: Beautiful games

Pairing: Paolo Maldini, Andrea Pirlo

Rating: M ? R?

Disclaimer: This fiction makes no claim to real situations involving aforementioned players.

Summary: There are some things you don’t question.

Could be stand alone, fits in with other M/P fics somewhere.


Title: Barriera Beach
Rating: G
Pairing: Alessandro Nesta/Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Disclaimer: Written as lies.
Archive: Beautiful games - if wanted.
Disclaimer2: Ibrahimovic might be a tad out of character...
Summary: Really short. Not even sure what this is...consider it backstory?


Title: Head

Pairing: Andrea Pirlo/Paolo Maldini

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: Situations expressed in no way represent reality or the orientations/opinions of the players mentioned.

Archive: Beautiful games

Can stand alone but goes with others somehow


Title: Deception/ Illusione

Pairing: Paolo Maldini/Andrea Pirlo

Rating: ? R

Disclaimer: None of the situations set down in this piece bear resemblance to reality or claim truth regarding the sexual orientations of the players involved.

Archive: Beautiful Games

Summary: Not really a stand-alone but there’s not much more to go with…

Some of the backstory is alluded to in the text - pretty much Andrea is deluding himself about what he wants/what Maldini is to him.


maldini/pirlo fics

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