So, I was sick recently and while recovering I started playing S2 again. So here are a few things, some of which I have been holding on for a while, others a bit more recent. :)
Firstly, this is an edit of a dress I made with textures by Allelulia which I used to replace the
ugly floral dress from Nightlife. I admit this wasn't my idea; I found a replacement on someone's tumblr (?), but it used an edit of the dress with hightops and patterned textures. This version simply suited my game better. :)
For teens and adults.
Allelulia's textues. Red, light blue, and a light green recolour I made from her .psd file.
Teen dress uses the conversion by Trapping; the adult dress uses the pregmorph she added.
DOWNLOAD. Next is a replacement for this
outfit from the basegame. The top part is a top by Io and uses her textures; the bottom is an edit of the "Berlin" outfit from H&M. I gave it new textures that I handpainted. The shoes are Sentate's Emma boots. Six colours, of course. :)
DOWNLOAD. I also have the bottoms as a seperate mesh. You could already see it in my last S2 post, but there was still some wonkiness around the ankles I needed to fix. Here it is now. To recolours, both plaid.
DOWNLOAD. I converted this hair from S3. It is a replacement for the
fuzzy long basegame hair. It's not perfect, but I am quite content with it.
The textures are a blend of the original and Pooklet's. Colours by Io and Pooklet.
DOWNLOAD.DOWNLOAD (CC Version). I have also made a quick add-on for Family Fun Stuff, as I noticed that the "princess" hair was pulling the textures from the basegame one. It's the new hair plus the original crown, straightened up, because I prefer it like that. ^^;
DOWNLOAD. Finally, I have a little extra I unfortunately don't have pictures for anymore. A while ago I made some recolours of the pooltable and cardtable that came with Nightlife, I think. They are very lightly grungy.
DOWNLOAD Pooltable Recolours.
DOWNLOAD Cardtable Recolours.
As always let me know if something is not working right..