So remember this beautiful car...
...2004 Hyundai Tiburon. I have had it for almost three years now. I love this car. I have kept it in practically perfect condition.
Don't you just want to cry looking at it? Here's the story:
Chris and I were in Illinois last week visiting his family for the holiday. We always take my car up because it's wonderful on gas milage. On Friday, we were driving back to his parent's house from the mall and everything was like normal. My mom had called me and I was talking to her on the phone about the weather back home. I was looking at Chris and telling him what my mom was telling me. All of a sudden Chris says "we are going to hit!" I face forward and BAM we crash into the SUV in front of us. I scream and throw my arms and knees up at the dashboard to keep myself back (which in the end gave me bruises on my knees). I tell my mom we got in an accident and that I'll call her back. (Later that night she told me "Hollie, you don't know what that did to me hearing you scream on the phone like that." I felt bad that she had to hear that.) I immediately jump out of the car and start screaming and bawling my eyes out. "MY CAR IS TOTALED!" "LOOK AT MY CAR!" is all I could keep saying. I was in histerics. Chris came over to me to give me a hug and say he was so sorry (because he was the one driving) and even the lady we hit tried to give me a hug. I wouldn't have it. I wouldn't let anyone touch me and told everyone to get away from me. I didn't know what to do. How to react. MY CAR was a mess. So I called my insurance agent and asked him what I should do and he walked me through everything.
How It Happened
So here's how the accident happened (this story which comes from the whitness, lady we hit and Chris): There was a tractor stopped on the road ahead of us. All the cars were slowing down. The lady in from of us tapped her brakes, so naturally Chris tapped on his. Then the lady slammed on hers (squeeling her tires and almost hitting the truck in front of her) and Chris had no time to react and slammed on his but we hit her...hard. The whitness (guy in truck two cars ahead of us) said that the lady in front of us almost hit him before we even got to her. So obviously she wasn't really paying attention as much as she should have. Chris had no reaction time in this situation and could not avoid hitting her. I am not mad at him at all for this. There was nothing he could do. But at the same time I am torn apart inside because my car isn't perfect anymore.
Look at it:
This is all the damage that was done to the SUV in front of us. Only her bumper and the hatch door has to be replaced.
The Aftermath
So following the accident I had to basically WAIT to figure out what was going to happen. It happened on a late Friday afternoon and not many places were open. To make it all worse, Sunday was the day we had planned to head home. So I spent five hours on Sautrday morning figuring out how were were going to get home. Every rental car place I called would either not do one way trips or if they did, would not let me drop off to any place near us. So I called my sister to find us plane tickets home. The only thing available was for $380 per person! Yeah right. But luckily she found us a car that would let us drop off at the Harrisburg Airport. It cost us $321 though. My insurance only cover's $30 a day so I had to shell out some money. Anyways, we got home and the waiting continued. I didn't know if my car could be fixed or was totaled. I had to wait for the adjuster to go out to the tow yard and take a look at it. I was on the phone with everyone on Monday trying to figure everything out. Finally, he called me on Tuesday and told me that was car was repairable and that the damage was only roughly $4600. So now I have to wait for it to be fixed. Pay the $500 deductable. Go back to Illinois to pick it up. And pray that it's fixed correctly, looks okay, and runs fine. I really wish they would have totaled it. It would have been so much more convenient. I could have gotten the $12000 for the value of the car, paid the $9000 left on it I owed and still had a down payment for a new car. Done. But no, now I have to pay more money to go back out to Illinois to get the car. I don't have any money, or time to do this. Not what I want to deal with.
And to add to it, I went to the doctor on Monday and my blood pressure was HIGH. Normally, it's perfect. This stress is killing me.
But more than anything, I thank God we are okay and that no one got hurt. Cars can be fixed but people can't always. What's so scary is that before the trip I went in to get an oil change and have my air bag light fixed. They didn't have the part I needed in stock so they had to order it and call me to make an appointment when I got back. Thanks goodness no one went through the windshield. I would have felt awful if Chris got hurt.
So yeah...for those of you I haven't talked to in awhile, there's an update on my life.