(no subject)

Oct 08, 2005 04:27

so, it's been months since I've done a real update in here, so here we go...

Things are going swell....well, they're going the best they can I guess. I'm pretty much all moved in, living in Lansing, a short walk from downtown. My roommates are all fairly cool. Theres:

*gay-Josh (he's moving out)
*Sherri (the girl that owns the house, who is pretty cool)
*Paul & Sean (brothers, and I always forget which one is which)
*Molly, whom is dating one of the two above (whichever one lives in the basement)
*3 cats (was 4, might be down to 2 soon)
*a puppy

all in a tiny little house. It's really not that bad though. I like it. I've got my privacy, my own room, that I can paint however the hell I want to.
Job-wise, I'm still temping at TRW, which isn't bad, considering it's paying my bills ($12/hr isn't terrible). HOWEVER, after I'm done I will be embarking on several other possible ventures. I may end up teaching high school, providing I go get my certification. I may run for office in Lansing, providing I figure out WHAT office to run for. I may go back to get my Masters, providing I bring my GPA up, and get to do something other than psychology. I'm also starting to sew, and possibly may be doing some anatomy sculptures out of metal and glass (if I can get help with the glass part) that I'm looking forward to doing. I may start selling some stuff that I make too, so I'll keep everyone updated on that.
This past weekend followed a somewhat somber path. Emily's bird, Amadeus, died, her parakeet that she'd had for 7 or 8 years, finally gave it's last breath. Her dad made her a little casket, which she lined with velvet. I dug a hole under a tree in their yard, and we buried her. We sat silent for a good 5 minutes, both covered in dirt. All of this was slightly ironic, because I had planned a picnic at the Mt. Hope Cemetery, the really big one out here. We went to the cemetery, it was a beautiful day, sat on a blanket, had some sandwiches, ate some crackers, and just sat, my radio softly playing some song I can't recall. It was calming. It was therapeutic. We both needed it.

Well, I was victimized again. Last night, at Meijer, someone broke into my car while I was inside and tried to make off with my stereo. I happened to walk out on them while they were in the process, and they sped off in reverse, almost hitting me, and peeled out of there too fast for me to catch the plate #. I didn't realize what had happened until I got to my car, and my dash was all torn apart. I called the cops, and before they got there, I found all my stuff UNDER my car. Turns out they HADN'T gotten away with it. So after the cop left, I hooked it all back up, and it still works. Granted, it has ruined my week, but I'm feeling better. I'm a bit more paranoid about everything, but I'm better.
I'll do another update sometime, sometime when I'm not tired.

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