Apr 29, 2006 17:48
k, so I just realised that if I ever want to make my dream of making a halfway decent track come true I'm going to need money, and loads of it cuz I just have to face the facts: software ain't gonna fuckin cut it for me, I NEEd TO GO ANALOGUE!!!!!!! and analogue gear costs shitloads of money (plus require a lot of room to put it all).
I always have so many ideas for rythms or tunes or synthlines and whatnot and I always know exactly how it should sound and what it should make one feel but with fuckin software it never gets exatly the way I want it! I can never quite find the right tone in the synth or get the perfect rythm... that's why I need some analogue stuff so I can fiddle with buttons, lay down the rythm myself by tapping keys and getting connected to my tune...
but alas... it wasn't meant to be as I am semi-broke and quite unable to aquire whatever I would need t create those masterpieces in my head...
plus I'd need someone to do some guitar riffs as well... not that hard to find but I'd need someone with absolutely no intention of shaping MY track to THEIR view, this is a lot harder to find...
aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh... I'll never be a bigshot producer *sob*