Aug 21, 2015 08:50
So it's been since June that I posted. The idea of playing catch-up is daunting, so I think a series of small posts is in order. I have lots of stories and pictures from the Summer of Sebastian (and Nic), which I'll get to in time. I just need to get started here, right?
We're heading out to Indiana today for Larry's 45th (OMG we're old) high school reunion. Not something I'm really excited about, but we'll take Neville and spend a couple of nights with Lar's sister. Tonight is a carry-in dinner, for which Marcia is making us something to take, then Saturday night is another dinner. I have no idea how many people will actually be there. Small high school, small town in Indiana, who knows.
Whenever I think of Lar's high school reunions, I think of the first one we went to. (They used to have them every five years, far too frequently, imo.) It was 1980. The girls were born in July, nine weeks early, and by mid-August, were still in the hospital. I had rented the most ginormous electric breast pump from the Le Leche League. (When Sebastian was born and Erin was struggling with nursing him, I saw this tiny little handheld thing and was like, what the heck, how is that an electric breast pump??)
Anyway, this thing was the size of a TV and we schlepped it all the way to Gas City and I spent all weekend pumping and freezing breast milk, wishing I was at home, where I could spend my days at the hospital. In truth, it was probably a good break for me to get away for a couple of days.
But, yeah, that's my biggest memory of any of the Missisinewa High School class of 1970's reunions.
(My own high school either never had a reunion or were never able to find me to tell me about one, back in the pre-internet days. Or they forgot I existed, that's quite possible.)
So now that the Curious George movie on PBS is over, it's time to get dressed and head out. It's only a three hour drive, and compared to my 9 hour each way drive to and from Madison last weekend for Lois's son's wedding, it should be a piece of cake. Even though, Indiana. :(
(I became a real George aficionado this summer when Seba was here. I still watch it everyday.)