(no subject)

May 20, 2012 15:11

Wtf, Johathan Quick?

I know there's something wrong with me - I don't understand why every picture I download from my iPhone is sideways, and no matter what I do, I can't fix it. So, have a sideways Biltmore house.

So we did our 15k race this morning around the Biltmore Estate. The house is so big that you can barely see the runners in front of it. It was a beautiful run and a gorgeous day. There were 1000 runners, and wow, were they fast. They had age group awards, and while I didn't pay attention to all of them, I did hear them announce that the woman who won the 65-69 year group did it in 1:28. That's 9.3 miles in one hour and twenty-eight minutes. That was my time for 6.5 miles today. o.O

We're all finished napping and now it's time to go find more food. Lois's son and DiL are leaving this evening and Lois and I are headed back to C'bus tomorrow.

I have many thoughts about the SPN finale, but am too hungry to type them out at present.
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