Happy 1/1/11

Jan 01, 2011 20:23

I hope everyone had a happy and safe New Year. Adam's back hurt a lot yesterday, so he and Colleen skipped their dinner reservations and Larry cooked us dinner. Then we went our separate television/computer ways for the evening, only to come back together to have champagne at midnight. It was nice, if low-key. I'm just happy to have Adam here.

We had the 10th coldest December on record, and now that it's New Year's Day and time for the NHL's Winter Classic, it's 50 and raining. Although, at least the rain stopped, so that's good. I'm not sure how something gets to be a "classic" if it's only existed for 4 years, but it's still fun. (They made an ice rink at Heinz Field, where the Steelers play football, for a big party hockey game. It's a nice celebration of Pittsburgh.)

Here's the first sentence of the first LJ entry of each month of 2010.

January: Christmas is over for another year. (Yes, that happens.)
February: Devil's Trap on TNT this morning.
March: So, it's March. (To be fair, the rest of the entry isn't this boring.)
April: HOLY SHIT. (That appears to be an episode reaction. That was the entirety of the post.)
May: Ash and I are back in Oxford. (We were back from running the Flying Pig half marathon in Cincinnati. In the rain.)
June: Buster died last night. (Poor little chinchilla. That was also the day Adam and Colleen came home from Asia.)
July: THERE IS TOO MUCH TO READ. (That was about Big Bang.)
August: I think I started this post on Sunday, but whatever. (All about Prop 8 and Larry's stents.)
September: I forgot today was a holiday, so when Larry came home from making rounds at 10 o'clock this morning, it was a...surprise.
October: Happy Winchester Day! (All about how I was afraid I was going to forget the show is on Friday now and forget to watch it. Also about how all my fish died.)
November: SeSa assignments are out, and I'm very happy.
December: First snow of the year.

Do you ever have that nagging feeling that there are comments you didn't reply to, discussions you didn't finish, posts you wanted to comment on, but you can't remember what or where they are? I've been a bit distracted the past few days by some shit in RL, and there were lots of posts where I wanted to comment to say Happy New Year, commiserate or congratulate, mention that I made coq au vin in my Le Creuset on Christmas Eve. I have managed to leave feedback on some stories, at least. Which reminds me, I really like AO3's Kudos feature. I like being able to say, hey, I read your story and liked it, when I either don't have the words or the energy to say much else.

You know what word I really don't like in relation to reading about sex? Besides "lave" of course. That would be "stuffed." As in, "he was stuffed full of cock and he loved it." People aren't turkeys, and I can't think of a less erotic word than 'stuffed."

Ash and I spend a lot of time exchanging exchanging Hawai Five-0 links. I need new H50, both canon and fic. Why aren't there 10-15K stories being written and posted EVERYDAY, is what I want to know.

I got an iPhone last week. I am now one of those people who carries their phone with them at all times, even though buying a new phone doesn't mean more people are calling me. I want to sell my Netbook - I should have gotten a smart phone to begin with - so if anyone is interested, let me know. It runs Windows XP and it's hardly used.

Adam and Colleen changed the lights on my fish tank today. The old lights were wonky, and they were so old they don't make those light bulbs anymore. And they were the opposite of green, so these are much better all around. Anyway, it didn't go as smoothly as it should have, which is wont to happen with these kinds of projects, and it was interesting to listen to them talk while they worked. Neither of them got impatient or frustrated, or anything. It was amazing. If Larry and I had done that, we would have retained counsel after fifteen minutes. The most interesting part of their discussion while they worked was whether vampires poop. (Yes, that's the word they used.) Colleen maintained that vampires use all the blood they ingest for survival, Adam said there has to be waste products and that they have to poop. It was hysterical.
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