(no subject)

Jun 25, 2007 17:43

Between Toronto and Erin being home this weekend, I'm way behind on
pop_appreciate challenges.  And as much as I want to do them, I think it's more important to work on my happy/gleeful story, which is due Saturday omg, and for which I seem to have claimed TWO prompts, which I am smushing together into one story.  I've made a good start, and I spent all day yesterday reading old Lambs stories to get me in the mood.  I read all of
jewelianna's Lambs stories, and I enjoyed them so much.  I had forgotten how good they are.

Also, I don't need to read all about Justin being a psycho in Europe right in the middle of trying to write a happy Lambs story.  Justin, sweetie, you know I adore you, and I completely understand and support your hate for the paparzzi.  I'm right there with you on that, babe.  But lurking on hotel rooftops and throwing things at the fans, that was cute when you were sixteen.  Now, not so much.  Stop it.

And, Lynn.  You're his mother.  Make him behave.  He's forcing me to go to

So, anyway, I  might just do the challenges later, after the story is done, just because they're nice things to do.  But the one for today, a love letter to pop fandom, I must do now.

Dear Pop Fandom,

It's been almost six years for me.  That's three times my normal fannish attention span, and there must be a reason for that.  The guys, of course, are a big reason.  I can never thank them enough for everything they've brought me over the years.

One of the things they've brought me are so many wonderful friends, both those I've met and those I haven't.  I love knowing that I can pretty much go anywhere in the world and have somewhere to stay, someone to visit.  I've met people from all over the world.  I live in Pittsburgh, and I've had lunch in San Francisco with someone from Denmark.  How cool is that?  (waves at
ihearthings_ii)  This is the most generous, welcoming, intelligent, adventurous, loving, happy, inventive fandom ever.

Of course there's been drama over the years, kerfuffles, hate memes, hurt feelings, wacky folks, all that stuff.  Because fandom is made up of people, so that sort of thing is inevitable.  Whatever, that's just life.

The canon in popslash is hard to top.  (Ha, I said top.)  The guys are hot, adorable dorks, and we have things like Germany, Lou, space, Dancing With the Stars, bus school, Lynn and incestuous tattoos, Jane Carter, Lance coming out, Kevin leaving Backstreet, AJ and rehab, dog psychics, Justin Timberlake, Britney, the Superbowl x2, JC's lyrics, mechanical bulls, Wade, there's just so much good shit here it's amazing.  How anyone can say RPS has no canon is beyond me.

And the fiction is incredible.  I know other fandoms have fabulous writers, too, but I like to think popslash has/had some of the best writers fandom has to offer.  There are stories I love so very much that I can't imagine falling out of love with them, no matter what fandom I might eventually drift off to.

I like to think, too,  that popslash has been an innovator over the years.  I know we can take the blame credit for smooshed pairing names, anyway.

So, yes, pop fandom, I love you.  You've made my life so much richer, thank you.

Hugs and kisses, Donna

Ashley and Roman went to Toronto's Pride parade yesterday.  Those of you who have attended club shows with Ashley, like
canadiankracka and
topaz119, will appreciate this excerpt from her email:

So we went to the Pride parade yesterday.  There were sooooo many people, it was like being at a general admission Backstreet concert.  I stood there for about five minutes before I was thisclose to decking the girl next to me cause she kept pushing and trying to get in front of me.  You know how I feel about that.  So Roman and I stood back  until it started, and then he put me on his shoulders.  I was impressed, he held me up there for about a half hour, until I started feeling guilty and let him put me down.

Too bad Roman wasn't with us at Justin's Atlanta club show.

After perusing 54930 books, magazines and web sites, I've chosen a marathon training program for the Disney marathon.  Ha, it's the same program I started to use for Cincinnati until my back and my heels forced me to switch to the half marathon.  I mention this because it's 29 weeks long and started today.  I promise I won't go on and on about it, and if I do, I'll use a cut-tag.  I started physical therapy today for my heels, because while the plantar fasciitis is better, it's not gone.

I have, however, been headache-free for nine days.  \o/
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