Title: none yet
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7, with added daemons
Author: Asuka Kureru/
askerianRating: varies from fic to fic
Pairing: main fic: gen, divergent timeline: Cloud/Tifa/Aeris ot3.
Warnings/Spoilers: Series of snippets and scenes from the game, with added soul!pets. Not actually a multipart, more of a collection of stories.
Summary/Author's Notes: The main timeline is the game, with added soul!pets, so I'll only do scenes where the daemons change the way things go, but there won't be big, endgame-changing stuff and things stay as undecided as the game about romantic matters. The first divergent timeline is Cloud/Tifa/Aeris, the second (when posted) will either be Zack/Sephiroth or Cloud/Zack/Sephiroth/Aeris, I haven't decided yet.
FF7/Daemon AU archive --
Title: Three ficlets
Fandom: Gundam Wing, with added daemons
Author: Asuka Kureru/
askerianRating: PG-13?
Pairing: None, gen.
Warnings/Spoilers: None.
Summary/Author's Notes: Three gen ficlets about Relena, Duo and Trowa interacting with Heero.
"Everyone she knows is in awe of Caerwyn, has been ever since he settled." Heero and Relena.
"If he didn't know better, Duo would think Heero's been severed." Heero and Duo.
"From the rest of the battlefield Kotaka looks gone; Heero's body seems broken beyond repair and the explosion would have hidden her death-sparks either way." Heero and Trowa.
Three ficlets