I'm preaching to the choir, I know

Jun 21, 2012 00:47

Let me explain something. It's not an exaggeration that our sources are unstable (even if the situation is better than it used to be a year or two ago). Just look at what happened with Shinikare. Even with the other shows like Hamakisu and Ougon Densetsu and Toshokan that you can find on D-Addicts - do you see the little "优酷" logo that's on the corner of most of the videos? that means those came from youku, which means there were uploaded from files from the same small pool of sources who share things on weibo.

So when someone publicly shares direct links, passwords, and full credits, that's a bad thing because it risks the original uploaders getting pissed at Int'l fans for not following their rules, and subsequently they might stop uploading. I've been on weibo less than a year and already I've seen the sources shift considerably because the old ones got fed up with people leeching their files and spreading them everywhere.

"But new sources did pop up!" you say, "There'll always be new sources!" Yes, but it's a pain to hunt them down all the time. It's a pain to have to search through youtube, weibo, tudou, youku, clubbox, youtube, dailymotion in 3 different languages, with all sorts of different fandom codes and nicknames. Of course I don't have to do any of it if I don't want to (and I've mostly stopped now because other awesome people have been uploading), but neither do the other people who share on LJ, neither do the seeders at D-Addicts and jpopsuki, neither do the original uploaders on weibo and/or clubbox.

Of course, there are language barrier issues! Firstly, just because you don't speak Chinese (or Japanese or Korean) doesn't mean those fans don't understand English and can't find out if you're reposting without permission. Secondly, here are some useful terms:
禁止 means "restricted" (as in, restricted to the site it was posted at, do not repost) [CH & JP]
不要傳出 means "do not transfer out" [CH]
이동금지 means "do not transfer" (aka do not reupload or repost) [KR]
출처표기 means "give credit" [KR]

I realize I'm being incredibly preach-y about this, and of course I can't stop people from doing what they please, but I like getting high quality files and I like having DVD leaks because I'm poor and prefer to not waste my money on exorbitant shipping costs. I actually believe media should be shared as much as possible because that's how a fanbase grows, and I think it's a bit pointless for someone to make downloads available and not be willing to share them with as wide an audience as possible. But I suck it up and abide by the rules set by the sources because I want to have all these nice things. That's really all I'm saying.


Now for the non-preachy bit: I am going out of the country for a month. Probably I will have very limited internet.

I'm sure people are curious about Shinikare subs! I am still working on them, still planning to do the rest of the series if I can, but I've been off in Real Life Land the past week or two. I can work on subs while I'm gone, but I don't know if I'll get a chance to upload things. So while I have no plans to stop subbing the series, if people are impatient and somebody else wants to sub it, you're perfectly welcome to do so! :)
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