石康军 - 火光 ← DL THIS!!

Jun 18, 2009 15:49

I'm recommending this great Chinese artist to everybody, even if you don't usually listen to Chinese singers.

His name is Jones Shi and he's from Singapore. His style probably falls under soft rock (I personally think it's a tiny bit reminiscent of NeLL, in that surrealistic aspect of their songs) and he cites British/UK rock as the biggest inspiration for his music.

I've had this album for years now - it's his only one - and since he seems to be fading (faded?) into obscurity, I thought I'd air out these mp3s a little.

Artist: 石康军 Jones Shi
 Album Title: 火光 Firelight
 Release Date: 2005
 Download: MU

01. 愛中飛行 (信跨刀合唱) / Flying Amidst Love *
02. 變質 / Deteriorate
03. 還沒瘋 / Not Crazy Yet
04. 火光 / Firelight *
05. 麻痺 / Paralysis
07. 變不了 / Unchanged
08. 冷凍 / Frozen *
09. 穿越時空 / Surpass Time and Space
10. 解藥 / Antidote
11. 曙光 / Dawn
12. 黑夜過後 / After the Dark Night Passes
* Starred tracks are good songs to start with.
Click on track titles for lyrics + translation. (Will link as translations get finished.)

Name:Jones Shi Kang Jun
Blood type:O
Birthday:January 19
Birthplace: Singapore
Hobbies: singing, fishing, drawing/painting, listening to music, basketball
Instrument: guitar
Motto: happiness is a choice

more at his official homepage »
his fanlisting, for English-speakers »


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