Leah woke up in a stranger’s bed yesterday. A stranger who kept a damn knife under her pillow and had books full of weird symbols on her shelves along with not much else. What in the freaky-deaky hell was with that?
The better part of her wake-up yesterday had involved taking photographic evidence to show Juno when she could. This morning she’d skipped that step. Since she had no better ideas, she had ended up in the cultist's room again for the night (though the knife had been moved, yikes), but didn’t really feel like staying there longer than she had to. Because creepy.
Which left her the choice now, of an empty common room, or a corridor someone was bound to walk down eventually, giving her far more options of people to bother. She could've walked around a a bit... but instead choose option number two: sitting in the corridor.
No one ever said she was logical.
[[ Leah is Olivia Thirlby's character in
Juno. She is lounging in a hallway, so open. I may be back and forth a bit. ]]