cross my heart & hope to.

Oct 05, 2004 18:50

so many people are making judgements about who should be president by how they look or because they "talk like a zombie" or "they've had botox." thank god most of these people are too young to vote because they really aren't educated about the election at all. if you're 18, you should vote. i'm jealous i don't get to play a part in the election.

Reproduction & Womens Rights
-keeping abortion safe and legal-->Bush:opposes//Kerry:supports
-the violence against women act-->Bush:opposes//Kerry:supports

U.S. Economy
-raising the national minimum wage-->Bush:opposes//Kerry:supports
-privatizing social security-->Bush:supports//Kerry:opposes

Tax Breaks for the Rich
-additional tax cuts for corporations-->Bush:supports//Kerry:opposes
tax cuts for people making over 200 grand-->Bush:supports//Kerry:opposes

Religion & Gov't
-organized prayer in public school-->Bush:supports//Kerry:opposes
-federal funding of religious charities-->Bush:supports//Kerry:opposes

-oil drilling in the arctic wildlife refuge-->Bush:supports//Kerry:opposes
-mandatory clean air emissions standards-->Bush:opposes//Kerry:supports

Equal Rights
-amending the US constitution to ban gay marriages-->Bush:supports//Kerry:opposes
-civil unions for gays and lesbians-->Bush:opposes//Kerry:supports

Death Penalty
-a national review of death penalty fairness-->Bush:opposes//Kerry:supports

-requiring manufacturers to have safety devices on all guns-->Bush:opposes//Kerry:supports
-requiring background checks on gun show purchases-->Bush:opposes//Kerry: supports
-additional funding for higher education-->Bush:opposes//Kerry:supports
-vouchers taking away funding from public schools for private & religious schools-->Bush:supports//Kerry:opposes
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