1. I am a girl and
2. My name is Enseilia.
3. I went to Singapore Sports School for my whole secondary school life.
4. I am uber fat right now due to lack of exercise and an over indulgence in food.
5. I have what you call a pea-sized bladder.
6. I am a paranoid freak.
7. I've little motivation,
8. Confidence,
9. Self-Esteem and
10. I've changing preferences all the time.
11. I love Kwon Ji Yong and Kim Hyun Joong.
12. I'm attached.
13. I love a boy called Alwin Lau Ming He.
14. I've 0 originality cause I don't know how to be myself.
15. I'm still trying to figure out who I really am.
16. I'm an extemely emotional person.
17. I'm a gemini which makes it even weirder.
18. I'm not supposed to be 'clingly' but I kinda am.
19. I've this really huge fetish for beautiful, gorgeous legs.
20. I'm scardey-cat, not a dare-devil.
21. I don't get along with people very well actually. I just try to.
22. I'm nocturnal, like an owl.
23. I can go without sleep for about two to three days before I feel tired.
24. I love to eat maggie mee's mee goreng.
25. I've a sister whom I love and detest but still love very much.
26. I love taking pictures.
27. I spend money like a waterfall spills water.
28.I feel an urge to spend money on pretty things.
29. I am one of the biggest whiner my friends know.
30. And probably the biggest procrastinator too.
31. I bowl. A little too little.
32. #truefact I don't like Kim Tae Yeon because so many people like her. #guiltyconfessions
33. I've currently no idea what else to write and am considering all the other things I could write about.
34. I am considering the fact that maybe I should go and run now.
35. Lately I keep getting bitten by insects and it's making me grossed out at my body because of all the disgusting scars it leaves.
36. And right now I'm thinking of eating Mee Goreng.
37. I own a Blackberry.
38. I lost my 3G iTouch, E72 and a pair of $460 specs in 2010.
39. I've kissed a girl twice last week.
40. I'm Asian.
41. I'm not very intellectual for a Gemini, or for my age.
41. I've tons of polaroids of my dearest boyfriend on my table.
42. I'm a natural born pessimist.
43. I doubt the obvious and question the right.
44. I might suffer from bipolar because I can go from ecstatic in a minute to gloomy the next.
45. I've no talent for art. I cannot draw or do anything artistic for nuts.
46. I love chocolates a whole awful lot.
47. I prefer kinder surprise over kinder joy.
48. Heck, I prefer kinder surprise of anything. Other than maybe royce? (:
49. I bruise really easily. Even the slightest bang into something will give me a bruise.
50. I think pigs are adorable.
51. I love Taylor Swift.
51. I love fattening stuff.
53. I have really small eyes.
54. I detest chinese because I do not understand anything.
55. I love to read but I stopped doing so for God knows what reasons.
56. I love purple, brown, yellow, turquoise and alot of other weird colors which will probably seem eccentric.
57. I do not like a lot of colors but I'll make do with them so long others like it.
58. I like to disturb others especially with what they like but disagreeing
59. I have a heck load of Archie Comics
60. I get depressed really easily over trivial things that shouldn't even matter.
61. Although fat, I'm hardly immune to the cold. in 27 degrees Celsius, I will definitely still feel cold.
62. My mom is more technologically advanced than me. She has an iPhone, iPad, iPod, 2 laptops, 1 netbook and another on the way. Hmmmm.
63. My room will always be in a mess. Always.
64. My dad's a typical Singaporean. Very hung up on everything. Won't let loose.
65. I love nachos a lot. Especially the cheese. Or maybe just the cheese.
66. I play DotA
67. I play L4D(2)
68. I'm afraid of the dark and I don't know if I'm constantly hallucinating hearing sounds in my room.
69. I think ghosts exists and maybe there's a ghost realm out there that ghost comes out from, especially during the 7th month period.
70. I get shocked, startled, amazed, scared, astound and whatnot really easily.
71. I think a reply which takes 2 minutes is as good as 10 hours in school during history.
72. It's 12pm and I've yet to go to bed since, the day before.
73. I think I'm going to make myself Mee Goreng after I'm done with this.
74. I think one day, I'm going to get forgotten by everyone.
75. I keep putting off things which I know I should do but I'm too lazy to.
76. Like keeping fit.
77. Any electronic in my hands usually spoils within the first week of purchase. If lucky, the second week.
78. I'm easily stressed out by random itty bitty things.
79. My favourite cartoon show is Hey Arnold! on Nickeloden.
80. My favourite two cartoon characters are Bugs Bunny and Winnie the Pooh.
81. I tend to do things half-heartedly.
82. I have fat stubby toes (according to my sister).
83. I'm easily impressed, swayed by words and sweet actions.
84. I really want pretty nails and all. Like make-up but I don't know how to do so.
85. I must pee before going on any bus rides and I won't drink a sip if going for a loooooooong bus ride.
86. I wish I had special powers. Or at least really high metabolism rate.
87. I wish I could dance. And not be tone deaf.
88. I'm kind of regretting starting on this because it's taking forever to complete.
89. I don't mind being a famous chef one day cause I really want to cook amazing food.
90. I go berserk when things lag. Or doesn't function as when it's first purchased.91. I really really want a dog.
92. I hate cats.
93. I think children are cool and I definitely do not want to be like my parents to my children.
94. I'm absolutely petrified to drive.
95. I have a wide variety of songs and I love all of 'em. Or almost all.
96. I'm scared of how others see me or perceive me.
97. My biggest fear is losing everyone I love.
98. Or if I drive them away myself by doing something stupid or drastic.
99. I want to be less emotionally inclined.
100. I wish I could love myself and be a better person.
Yay, I'm finally done. Time to make me some Mee Goreng (: