Well, I've written out two fairly long posts now, only to have my computer crash both times and eat them. Where's to auto-save huh? :P
I'll be fucked if I'm typing them out again. So you get the abridged version
Anyways.. I'm alive, and feeling good :)
This morning spam cout
335 spam vs 22 ham.
Such as waste of resources.
Had 2 days off last week being sick - frankly I hadn't been taking very good care of myself for a couple of weeks so it wasn't very suprising.
Went out for about an hour on Saturday night after the people I was meeting (Karen & Tiff who were at Brett's wedding during the day) decided they wanted to go home pretty much as soon as I got there :P
Finally got round to buying new jeans on Saturday - took about 30mins, which has to be the quickest jeans shopping trip ever. I have, however, lost weight (as was pointed out too me by at least three different people over the weekend), and I'm now a size 28 in skinny jeans :P
On the plus side, living 200m from the City-West link means its super easy to get a cab at pretty much anytime of day (and its even easier to give directions coming home from the city)
On the WoW front, got my first piece of
teir 2.5 (boots), and we can now clear up to pre-C'thun thrash in AQ40 in 3-4 hrs. FINALLY, managed a 1 night BWL clear too (fuck you very much Vael) and picked up
this lovely number which is cool, but looks really gay. Made some C'thun attempts. Wiped ALOT. I'm now down to using 1 piece of T2. Guild WSG farm team is coming along very nicely. Yay for a GM thats a super good PVPer.
Drove Karen & Tiff over to Tiff's Mum's place on Sunday, where upon we realised Tiff had left her car keys back at my place >< So, back and forth from Artarmon to Haberfield again, lunch with K/T/Teesh.
Well, enough rambling from me! But I'm still in a super good mood.